***************Soliciting grievances is a major violation of the contract. It's **********you that make me proud to have part time supervisors doing union work.
Soliciting grievances is a protected act under the NLRA. Get your facts straight.
***************Soliciting grievances is a major violation of the contract. It's **********you that make me proud to have part time supervisors doing union work.
The union should be powerless. You work for me. You guys are no different than someone flipping hamburgers at McDonalds. You work for a company. You don't need any power. Despite what your union friends tell you, in the big scheme of things none of you have any power...
New employees at UPS hear stories every day from management about what happens to you when you won't toe the line. Every day, they are given a new policy to obey and warned they will be fired if they don't. The next day they are told of 2 or 3 people who didn't listen and were fired. Meanwhile, they hear nothing from the union. They see someone once every 4 or 5 years at contract and see their dues come out of every paycheck, and nothing else. Their impression (and often mine, as I have been here over 20 years now) is that the union does nothing to help them. I consider withdrawing 3 or 4 times a year after seeing what is going on in this company and the inability of the union to affect change.
This lack of visibility by the union is a huge mistake; UPS doesn't have to try to bust the union, they are doing it to themselves.
It is time for the union to send the message that they are still around and still effective or they will wither and die.
I have. The company issues me warning letters for being difficult. If I haven't done anything wrong, they make things up. They have made their point crystal clear to me. I have seen no equivalent show of power from the union.
Soliciting grievances is a protected act under the NLRA. Get your facts straight.
Then John, how 'bout you steppin up? Put your name out there to be shop steward. Take the reigns, be the voice. YOU (we) are the Union!
socks, another brainless word of wisdom from a narcissistic madmanYou work for me.
Give this man a cigar!!!!
A Cuban one of course. That is right, you can not be disciplined or retaliated against for soliciting grievances. I have seen both UPS and Union officials tell employees they can nont solicit grievances. UPS says they have a "no solicitation policy", but they fail to tell us it only applies to non-union matters (people selling stuff and asking for money at work etc.), but even so, they will still solicite us for United Way or other UPS projects.
It's a steward's job to encourage employees to file grievances whenever there is a violation because is strengthens our contract. Those who don't file weaken our contract. Those newbies will eventually learn, you can only be bullied around so many times before you have to fight back.
It is Corporate UPS Policy to develop and maintain professional relations with Labor Union Representatives. Stewards are representatives, so this policy inludes them. It is also Corporate UPS Policy to respect and fulfill the labor agreements. This can be found clearly written in the current UPS Policy Book on page 24.
You know that isn't how it works everywhere. Local 25 perfect example. They only appoint who they want to be steward. There are no elections, only hand pickings.
You know that isn't how it works everywhere. Local 25 perfect example. They only appoint who they want to be steward. There are no elections, only hand pickings.
Newbies are great they frustrate the ___ out of you. Supervisor's/management's job is to see what they can get away with. They are pests testing the limits of people that are actually working. But grievances are part of the arrangement they are really just business. They don't label you as a trouble maker but a professional doing work and expecting to be able to do that work without harassment. If your area is like mine there are alot of young people but its not high school and the high school games have no place. Telling someone they will be labeled as a troublemaker is a joke, at some point you will fall from your supvs/mngrs grace grievance or not; and at that point you will need to know what you can do to rectify the situation in an appropriate and professional way. The grievance process is about having a work environment free of petty distracting harassment that in the end actually slows down production. It benefits both the company and the workers and should be used without worry that it is not the right thing to do. Its actually a business arrangement and anyone that doesnt understand that needs to be educated (worker or supvs/mngr) so thank you for doing your part. It has been my experience that most people dont understand that basic fact and take the process personally creating undo friction. And if someone does feel that they are being targeted by the company making a written complant is actually the best way to protect themselves it provides a paper trail to help explain the scope of the situation that is happening. (Its called covering your butt, I always highly recommend it.) Your efforts are to be commended you are an asset to the union and the company - thank you! - keep it up.
Don't bothe3r putting in grievance about UPS, because the Union doesn't do anything about it. I've done it before and didn't do nothing about it. I had a beef with a supervisor and they never did anything.