New Social Security bill


Well-Known Member
Van knows he is supporting a terrible socialist programs because it directly benefits him.

The proper stance is I hate social security, it robbed me my entire life, but I just want some of my money back.

Van sits there and defends it like it’s some great program we all desperately need and want.
Most want it, and many desperately need it.


Well-Known Member
Van knows he is supporting a terrible socialist programs because it directly benefits him.

The proper stance is I hate social security, it robbed me my entire life, but I just want some of my money back.

Van sits there and defends it like it’s some great program we all desperately need and want.
I'm sure you are more angry about what they do with our income tax. They literally throw away much of it, waste it, and probably skim off it.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And a real testament to your conviction that we spend too much would be for you not to accept old age program benefits or other similar programs with origins that would appear to be socialist in design. Man up and back your convictions with concrete actions.
You are a mean hateful person but I’m sure you hear that from your family a lot.
I hope my family doesn’t hope I die soon like your family does.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Van knows he is supporting a terrible socialist programs because it directly benefits him.

The proper stance is I hate social security, it robbed me my entire life, but I just want some of my money back.

Van sits there and defends it like it’s some great program we all desperately need and want.
Van is rationalizing to sooth his conscience
I’ll be honest with you, I don’t support SS or Medicare but if money is extorted from me upon threat of force, I’ll get every penny I can because I will never get back as much as if I had invested that extorted money myself.
The National Government is no different than the Mafia in my eyes.
Both specialize in and use deadly force to get their way.


Well-Known Member
Van is rationalizing to sooth his conscience
I’ll be honest with you, I don’t support SS or Medicare but if money is extorted from me upon threat of force, I’ll get every penny I can because I will never get back as much as if I had invested that extorted money myself.
The National Government is no different than the Mafia in my eyes.
Both specialize in and use deadly force to get their way.
And why does my conscience need soothing? Millions of seniors desperately need that money, and it's the SOCIAL compact between generations. That it's all about getting their hands on a little more money now rather than wait for it is despicable when you take into account how it will hurt millions who worked all their lives to have that waiting to assist them in their old age.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And why does my conscience need soothing?

Millions of seniors desperately need that money, and it's the SOCIAL compact between generations. That it's all about getting their hands on a little more money now rather than wait for it is despicable when you take into account how it will hurt millions who worked all their lives to have that waiting to assist them in their old age.
Wat you doing jumping in on my post!
@Wrong and I were talking! :raspberry:


Inordinately Right
And why does my conscience need soothing? Millions of seniors desperately need that money, and it's the SOCIAL compact between generations. That it's all about getting their hands on a little more money now rather than wait for it is despicable when you take into account how it will hurt millions who worked all their lives to have that waiting to assist them in their old age.
Great summation.
You want money.
End of story.


nowhere special
M-16's entered the service in 1964-Kennedy died Nov. 22,1963. Being the Commander and Chief I'm sure he had all kinds of opportunities to preview this weapon before they were issued

Army officially adopted the M-16 in 1963 but started testing in 1958. Air Force adopted it in 1961. Definitely around while Kennedy was alive.

El Correcto

god is dead
And why does my conscience need soothing? Millions of seniors desperately need that money, and it's the SOCIAL compact between generations. That it's all about getting their hands on a little more money now rather than wait for it is despicable when you take into account how it will hurt millions who worked all their lives to have that waiting to assist them in their old age.
LOL, it’s so despicable that people who are working for money want to keep their money. HOW DARE THEM COMRADE VLANIMER! :angry-very:


Well-Known Member
You are a mean hateful person but I’m sure you hear that from your family a lot.
I hope my family doesn’t hope I die soon like your family does.
At least I won't be a burden to them and if it were not for the "SOCIALIST" old age programs currently in existence you in your old age would most definitely be a burden to yours because who else would you have to turn to in your time of need?


Well-Known Member
Why would I be out of money? I'm taking SS at 62 and putting it all in savings until my company pension drops to nothing at 67. Will have savings plus SS and realistically won't live to 80. Lucky to make 75.
Hahaha And just exactly what is it that you're counting on for that economic security? Why it's none other than that SOCIALIST and demonic SOCIAL Security.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
At least I won't be a burden to them and if it were not for the "SOCIALIST" old age programs currently in existence you in your old age would most definitely be a burden to yours because who else would you have to turn to in your time of need?
Curious as to just who you believe is entitled to the FICA withholding and company match that was taken out of my paycheck for 50 years?


Well-Known Member
Curious as to just who you believe is entitled to the FICA withholding and company match that was taken out of my paycheck for 50 years?
The people who under the terms of the legislation are qualified to receive the benefits of the program as prescribed by law.