Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special
good morning (its still morning here)
good morning greetings.gif


Resident Suit

They need you to work the reload shift also
I wouldn't doubt it. He tried that crap the other day. "Oh you've run a local sort before right? Twilight is basically the same thing!"

Yeah friend'er. Besides the fact that we did 2 trailers and maybe 300 pounds of air on an average day with 7 employees. Twilight has more PT Sups than I had hourlies on local sort. Go pound sand.

The more I interact with this guy the more I think I'm too intelligent to ever be a center manager.
I wouldn't doubt it. He tried that crap the other day. "Oh you've run a local sort before right? Twilight is basically the same thing!"

Yeah friend'er. Besides the fact that we did 2 trailers and maybe 300 pounds of air on an average day with 7 employees. Twilight has more PT Sups than I had hourlies on local sort. Go pound sand.

The more I interact with this guy the more I think I'm too intelligent to ever be a center manager.
Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.


Resident Suit
Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
I find it hilarious the ratio of sups to hourlies they have in this building. Like are you freaking kidding me?

And the sups don't know :censored2:! It's pathetic. As a PT Sup in my old building you had to be a jack of all trades. When I was on local sort I had to worry about unload, load, clerks, smalls sort, and the OMS related crap. Half these guys have 5 loaders to look over and a thumb up their ass. One peak when I ran preload I had 24 preloaders solo. Was it easy? No, but I'd be bored as crap supervising 5 loaders all night every night. No wonder these huge building have crap sups, they're worthless.

I'm having a bad day, can you tell?
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