Our Senior Manager said 3% raise for everyone October 1


Just telling it like it is
In 2010 Fred paid over $30 million to politicians to keep his precious RLA/Special Deal alive. Now if it made sense to keep FedEx Express under the RLA why would Fred have to pay off anybody? Answer that @59 Dano


Well-Known Member
I don’t know that we’ll ever be under the NLRB, which is probably good because the moment we are is the moment all the Express goes to Ground.


Well-Known Member
You are very presumptuous, what is your basis for this claim?
If statute was changed, exactly under what scenario, minus a Constitutional question, (none exist) could a court affirm a former clause?
Did you even work for FedEx back during the "Brown Bailout" when ups tried, to no avail, to get the RLA changed? UPS spent like a million bucks on a website focusing on the obvious inequities between how each company is now and how the RLA is massively bias towards FedEx with a law from 1934 (I believe). So Fred spent 10's of millions on media, campaign donations and such all so he could keep his little advantage of not having a union. Kinda thinking a union would have got you people more than 2%!!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Did you even work for FedEx back during the "Brown Bailout" when ups tried, to no avail, to get the RLA changed? UPS spent like a million bucks on a website focusing on the obvious inequities between how each company is now and how the RLA is massively bias towards FedEx with a law from 1934 (I believe). So Fred spent 10's of millions on media, campaign donations and such all so he could keep his little advantage of not having a union. Kinda thinking a union would have got you people more than 2%!!
Just ask the teamsters at Freight how much the union got them. Lulz

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Freight is full of anti union Freddy worshippers. Not that surprising.
I doubt that. People arguing about the RLA as if it makes a difference are delusional. Given the option fedex workers won’t vote in a union. If a station did it wouldn’t amount to anything. That’s just reality.


I doubt that. People arguing about the RLA as if it makes a difference are delusional. Given the option fedex workers won’t vote in a union. If a station did it wouldn’t amount to anything. That’s just reality.
Express demographics are changing fast. The topped out old timers that bleed purple are retiring. Express is a different animal than freight where they actually top out in 3 years.


Well-Known Member
Express demographics are changing fast. The topped out old timers that bleed purple are retiring. Express is a different animal than freight where they actually top out in 3 years.
"The topped out old timers that bleed purple are retiring"....And the ones that aren't are being force fed an extra 30 P2..and being questioned about their gaps and RTB?....micromanagement at its finest...it's harassment, that's what it is!


"The topped out old timers that bleed purple are retiring"....And the ones that aren't are being force fed an extra 30 P2..and being questioned about their gaps and RTB?....micromanagement at its finest...it's harassment, that's what it is!
Exactly. Express is prime for organizing. Get rid of the RLA and it's a done deal.


Well-Known Member
This is a real conundrum for Fat Freddy. He needs Trump's tariff to be the scapegoat for his mismanagement of the company, but at the same time, he needs to suck up to all of his Republican friends to turn a blind eye to his scam. He better tread carefully here.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
This is a real conundrum for Fat Freddy. He needs Trump's tariff to be the scapegoat for his mismanagement of the company, but at the same time, he needs to suck up to all of his Republican friends to turn a blind eye to his scam. He better tread carefully here.
You have all the answers. You belong in the boardroom sharing your vast knowledge of running our company.


Well-Known Member
You have all the answers. You belong in the boardroom sharing your vast knowledge of running our company.
That's such an idiotic argument. "WHy dOn'T yOu SeE iF yOu CaN dO a BeTteR jOb." It's not my job to do a better job than the idiots running the company. Just because I'm not qualified to run it myself doesn't mean they're somehow doing a good job. It's a non sequitur, but that kind of intellectual shortcoming seems perfectly appropriate for a guy who would lie about his wife winning the lottery.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
That's such an idiotic argument. "WHy dOn'T yOu SeE iF yOu CaN dO a BeTteR jOb." It's not my job to do a better job than the idiots running the company. Just because I'm not qualified to run it myself doesn't mean they're somehow doing a good job. It's a non sequitur, but that kind of intellectual shortcoming seems perfectly appropriate for a guy who would lie about his wife winning the lottery.
If you know what they are doing wrong, you must know how to do it right. Better yet, why don't you start a package company and use your vast knowledge to run it the best way you see fit.


Well-Known Member
If you know what they are doing wrong, you must know how to do it right. Better yet, why don't you start a package company and use your vast knowledge to run it the best way you see fit.
Why don’t I just run for president because I don’t like Trump. Or better yet, why don’t I start my own country!! You’re a genius. How much did your wife in in the lottery, by the way.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
You are very presumptuous, what is your basis for this claim?
If statute was changed, exactly under what scenario, minus a Constitutional question, (none exist) could a court affirm a former clause?

Decades of precedent with FedEx (and other companies) coupled with the issue that it was a piece of legislation that, by design, was drafted to apply to one specific employer.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
There’s quite a few congressman riding on that short bus with us lol. Being an airline, and having truck drivers that have literally nothing to do with flight operations is exactly why congress is attacking this. There’s nothing that makes us RLA other than the plane our packages arrive on.

You don't even have to work for an airline to be covered under the RLA. The NMB and NLRB have been through this a gazillion times.

Call me dumb all you want.

There aren't enough hours in the day.