Package car fans


bella amicizia
No wonder you lost business. Quit scaring the customers, Ovah!!!

My on-car thought I would look good in a nice school girl type uniform. He just misses when I would wear the tall socks and hot pants on preload.


My sup made an observation one day that when there are females (particularly blondes) working, the guys around them typically work harder. Very good observation, I'd say.

I feel like they might be using this phenomenon to their advantage, as I've noticed more females being hired. I do not object. Work has become more enjoyable. It has been a sausage fest for far too long.


bella amicizia
Even with Ballbreaker running the show?
Notice I said were. I wasn't the one upstairs on the conference calls trying to blame something, anything for why we went from number 1 to last in a better of one year. I wasn't the one who sent teams of people to the building to figure out what the hell was the problem. Since Denise and I aren't on the shift anymore, it's numbers have gotten even worse. 'But, jeez, psycho susie, I thought we were the problem?'

Huh, and I wasn't the one walking down Coffeen St looking for another job because the job opportunities she was promised disappeared after a poke and a shoulder-check. Funny.

The other walking wonder, the dispatch/FT preload sup is on his last legs. The Union is pushing very hard for him to be removed from our building. The harassment grievances are out of control and all with one guy's name on them. One of the three I complained about. (Psycho is gone and the other is in Syr.) They had a meeting last week about the harassment, again. Guess it wasn't just me. Huh.

So, for all they did to try and get rid of a certain few, those certain few are still on the payroll, unlike Psycho Susie.

Geez, and they are still the bottom of the barrel. I don't wonder why the DM is in the building every week now, even though the hub is 70 miles away. Must be fun to be management in my building right now.