Peak 2017

Star B

White Lightening
runners for Express only make sense if you have the stop density. I know for our station the stop density sucks. Yesterday during a special shipment event (in other words, getting boned by managements inability to plan)... was the only time I, in my 4-ish years of being here, saw the benefit of having a runner, short of having extra bodies on a bulk run.

Even then, having a runner SUCKS at Express because the ppad is limited. You can't have two ppads on a route sharing the same delivery list, even if it's a master/slave configuration. You can't send a runner down the street with a ppad and a cart without a ton of falsification.

Would this work? Sign into PPAD2 as the same route... but select the "offline" option so that the 'dispatch' function doesn't work. Yes, the scans won't transmit in real time but it should still be able to be used as long as you scan the dab/enter the address for each package? One issue I could see is that everything gets tossed to the reject queue, causing the CSAs to find you and hang you in the AM.
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Well-Known Member
runners for Express only make sense if you have the stop density. I know for our station the stop density sucks. Yesterday during a special shipment event (in other words, getting boned by managements inability to plan)... was the only time I, in my 4-ish years of being here, saw the benefit of having a runner, short of having extra bodies on a bulk run.

Even then, having a runner SUCKS at Express because the ppad is limited. You can't have two ppads on a route sharing the same delivery list, even if it's a master/slave configuration. You can't send a runner down the street with a ppad and a cart without a ton of falsification.

Would this work? Sign into PPAD2 as the same route... but select the "offline" option so that the 'dispatch' function doesn't work. Yes, the scans won't transmit in real time but it should still be able to be used as long as you scan the dab/enter the address for each package?
How does it work?

You strap your ass into the driver seat, they strap their ass into the jump seat. You hand them your ppad and chauffeur them around for the day, while they do the running.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
How does it work?

You strap your ass into the driver seat, they strap their ass into the jump seat. You hand them your ppad and chauffeur them around for the day, while they do the running.
Yep. Life is good when someone else is doing the running. You're not totally worn out by Christmas Eve.

Star B

White Lightening
How does it work?

You strap your ass into the driver seat, they strap their ass into the jump seat. You hand them your ppad and chauffeur them around for the day, while they do the running.

Ask yourself this though.. is it really that more efficient than a single-driver operation? The most you will gain performance wise is while the runner is running it, you're setting up the next stop. (bean counter mode)... I don't see the value in having a truck cost $44/hr and do 150 stops v/s having the truck cost 22$/hr and only being able to do 130. (end bean counter mode)... I need a shower.

Maybe the economics don't work in my station and I don't see it. I'm always open to suggestions.

Okay.... I see the 'not being worn out' reasoning, which is good for the People part of PSP... but that does not satisfy the beancounter requirement... which we all know rules the roost at Express.


Well-Known Member
Ask yourself this though.. is it really that more efficient than a single-driver operation? The most you will gain performance wise is while the runner is running it, you're setting up the next stop. (bean counter mode)... I don't see the value in having a truck cost $44/hr and do 150 stops v/s having the truck cost 22$/hr and only being able to do 130. (end bean counter mode)... I need a shower.

Maybe the economics don't work in my station and I don't see it. I'm always open to suggestions.

Okay.... I see the 'not being worn out' reasoning, which is good for the People part of PSP... but that does not satisfy the beancounter requirement... which we all know rules the roost at Express.
Meh, not my job to figure their :censored2: out for them all I know is, is that when I have a runner, it's break time for this guy.


Well-Known Member
After last year I will never take another helper. All I heard was
How many more stops?
When will we be done?
I need to pick up my mom!
My car broke down need to get to shop!

2 days no show
could not put down cell phone. Screw it never again, load me up and give my Pup's to a another sucka


Well-Known Member
After last year I will never take another helper. All I heard was
How many more stops?
When will we be done?
I need to pick up my mom!
My car broke down need to get to shop!

2 days no show
could not put down cell phone. Screw it never again, load me up and give my Pup's to a another sucka

Sounds like you did not train him/her right on Day One.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
runners for Express only make sense if you have the stop density. I know for our station the stop density sucks. Yesterday during a special shipment event (in other words, getting boned by managements inability to plan)... was the only time I, in my 4-ish years of being here, saw the benefit of having a runner, short of having extra bodies on a bulk run.

Even then, having a runner SUCKS at Express because the ppad is limited. You can't have two ppads on a route sharing the same delivery list, even if it's a master/slave configuration. You can't send a runner down the street with a ppad and a cart without a ton of falsification.

Would this work? Sign into PPAD2 as the same route... but select the "offline" option so that the 'dispatch' function doesn't work. Yes, the scans won't transmit in real time but it should still be able to be used as long as you scan the dab/enter the address for each package? One issue I could see is that everything gets tossed to the reject queue, causing the CSAs to find you and hang you in the AM.

There are ways around that. The easiest is to use an ad hoc route number, though it will cause time card/on-road problems. However, they wouldn't really be an issue since on-road productivity isn't tracked so strictly during peak. Proper notations would have to be made at some point in the process.

What you said would also work, again with proper notations being made. The issue of programming PPADs to work in the configuration you mention (route 123a works as a slave to route 123) gets brought up from time to time, only to end up behind something that's more important.

Ask yourself this though.. is it really that more efficient than a single-driver operation? The most you will gain performance wise is while the runner is running it, you're setting up the next stop. (bean counter mode)... I don't see the value in having a truck cost $44/hr and do 150 stops v/s having the truck cost 22$/hr and only being able to do 130. (end bean counter mode)... I need a shower.

Maybe the economics don't work in my station and I don't see it. I'm always open to suggestions.

Okay.... I see the 'not being worn out' reasoning, which is good for the People part of PSP... but that does not satisfy the beancounter requirement... which we all know rules the roost at Express.

A runner works well when, as you said, the stop density justifies it. The goal is to avoid WDLs and have all Christmas freight delivered in time. If a station doesn't have the threat of rollover freight then there's no reason to have runners. If a courier stays on the truck and has the runner do all the running, then there's no need for a runner.

The only real benefit to having runners is that it's better to be safe than sorry from a perspective of getting freight off by the due date. If the density isn't there then the "proper" use of a runner is that he and the courier split up the legwork on a route to delay the onset of fatigue. Runners are expensive but a decent insurance policy against rollover WDL freight.

Code 82 Approved

Titanium Plus+ Level Member with benefits!
My last contractor didn't send his driver to the mall on the saturday before. It's new for him. Preload told me that on Monday, he needs a historical 53 footer.


Retired 23 years
Living in a tourist area I have seen Help Wanted signs all over for a few years now. The resorts, fast food, other tourist traps and small industries can't find anyone to work so I can't imagine why UPS would think it would be any different for them.


Fight the power.
Living in a tourist area I have seen Help Wanted signs all over for a few years now. The resorts, fast food, other tourist traps and small industries can't find anyone to work so I can't imagine why UPS would think it would be any different for them.
Honestly, you can’t live on minimum wage. You just can’t. You would be better off staying home in your pajamas playing video games and collecting unemployment and government assistance. It’s sad but true. It’s set up all wrong. It needs to be fixed.


Fight the power.
There are ways around that. The easiest is to use an ad hoc route number, though it will cause time card/on-road problems. However, they wouldn't really be an issue since on-road productivity isn't tracked so strictly during peak. Proper notations would have to be made at some point in the process.

What you said would also work, again with proper notations being made. The issue of programming PPADs to work in the configuration you mention (route 123a works as a slave to route 123) gets brought up from time to time, only to end up behind something that's more important.

A runner works well when, as you said, the stop density justifies it. The goal is to avoid WDLs and have all Christmas freight delivered in time. If a station doesn't have the threat of rollover freight then there's no reason to have runners. If a courier stays on the truck and has the runner do all the running, then there's no need for a runner.

The only real benefit to having runners is that it's better to be safe than sorry from a perspective of getting freight off by the due date. If the density isn't there then the "proper" use of a runner is that he and the courier split up the legwork on a route to delay the onset of fatigue. Runners are expensive but a decent insurance policy against rollover WDL freight.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
My last contractor didn't send his driver to the mall on the saturday before. It's new for him. Preload told me that on Monday, he needs a historical 53 footer.
okay, I’m curious - what exactly is a “historical” 53 footer? All the ones I’ve ever pulled have been rather non-noteworthy as far as I know.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Honestly, you can’t live on minimum wage. You just can’t. You would be better off staying home in your pajamas playing video games and collecting unemployment and government assistance. It’s sad but true. It’s set up all wrong. It needs to be fixed.
People who prepare for life by learning a trade or getting a degree, instead of sitting in their pajamas playing video games, don't make minimum wage. Minimum wage jobs aren't intended to be careers. They are entry level stepping stones to be utilized while you make yourself desirable to employers by learning a skill they find valuable. Minimum wage jobs are temporary for anybody with any pride or ambition.