Peak 2017


Well-Known Member
What I'm getting at is that they'll try to cuff you around and slap you around making the usual threats and making out that it's all your fault but as long as you stay on the right side of the contract and fulfill the mutually agreed to stop count you'll be alright until new contract time . Today you can say that there are actually three constants when it comes to XG contracting. Change is the only constant. Nothing's contractually binding as far as XG management's concerned.....And three......the less you do the more money you make.

I know you hate hearing the metro perspective, but this week will be a 50% increase over my normal settlement. My expenses are only up about 12%. I understand my situation is different, but there is a part of me that wishes it was like this all year. Its hard to argue they cant afford to pay me like this all year. If they did I would gladly stay in the business.

Im doing more work and making A LOT more money.


Well-Known Member
I know you hate hearing the metro perspective, but this week will be a 50% increase over my normal settlement. My expenses are only up about 12%. I understand my situation is different, but there is a part of me that wishes it was like this all year. Its hard to argue they cant afford to pay me like this all year. If they did I would gladly stay in the business.

Im doing more work and making A LOT more money.
You probably have more people living in a 2 block area than I have living in the entire 1154 square mile area that comprises the county in which I live. A county who's population is 21% lower than it was in 1930 with a per capita income of approximately $24,000 yearly. More importantly you would be shocked if you were to discover all the farther away I am from where you are. If you are operating in the kind of area in which you operate and can find enough Johnny Cabs who will out there and work their damn fool heads off for half or less than what a UPS driver gets with no benefits and get away with it then you my friend are a fortunate soul indeed and I commend you. But don't lose sight of the fact that XG is a nationwide carrier and in order to be a nationwide carrier somebody has to go out into the depressed rural areas and do the best they can in an effort to keep XG a nationwide carrier which it wasn't when I started.


Well-Known Member
You probably have more people living in a 2 block area than I have living in the entire 1154 square mile area that comprises the county in which I live. A county who's population is 21% lower than it was in 1930 with a per capita income of approximately $24,000 yearly. More importantly you would be shocked if you were to discover all the farther away I am from where you are. If you are operating in the kind of area in which you operate and can find enough Johnny Cabs who will out there and work their damn fool heads off for half or less than what a UPS driver gets with no benefits and get away with it then you my friend are a fortunate soul indeed and I commend you. But don't lose sight of the fact that XG is a nationwide carrier and in order to be a nationwide carrier somebody has to go out into the depressed rural areas and do the best they can in an effort to keep XG a nationwide carrier which it wasn't when I started.

I have multiple managers so my set up is different than most. I was able to hold 4 spare drivers going into peak. The only "johnny cabs" are my helpers. They aren't the most well trained but their jobs are pretty simple and after a week I know if they are worth keeping or swapping out for the next man up. I am surprised that if the area has an avg per capita income of 24k XG driving positions wouldn't stack up as a pretty good job. Drivers should be able to gross almost 40k in those parts. Obviously, they aren't getting benefits but the money can go a lot farther there than it can here, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
You probably have more people living in a 2 block area than I have living in the entire 1154 square mile area that comprises the county in which I live. A county who's population is 21% lower than it was in 1930 with a per capita income of approximately $24,000 yearly. More importantly you would be shocked if you were to discover all the farther away I am from where you are. If you are operating in the kind of area in which you operate and can find enough Johnny Cabs who will out there and work their damn fool heads off for half or less than what a UPS driver gets with no benefits and get away with it then you my friend are a fortunate soul indeed and I commend you. But don't lose sight of the fact that XG is a nationwide carrier and in order to be a nationwide carrier somebody has to go out into the depressed rural areas and do the best they can in an effort to keep XG a nationwide carrier which it wasn't when I started.
I run very rural routes. My settlements increase 150% this time of year and it only takes one extra driver for two routes. I make less on my city routes that take four drivers per PSA to cover. I’ve also got plenty of seasonals and a few extra in the system just in case. Living in one of the lowest unemployment rate states. Never have had a problem finding drivers.


Well-Known Member
I run very rural routes. My settlements increase 150% this time of year and it only takes one extra driver for two routes. I make less on my city routes that take four drivers per PSA to cover. I’ve also got plenty of seasonals and a few extra in the system just in case. Living in one of the lowest unemployment rate states. Never have had a problem finding drivers.

I miss hearing the term PSA... those were the days...

Side note: Tomorrow looks to be the worst day of the week... I never thought it was possible to get to these numbers but my inbound delivery stops are at my peak DST.. not even taking into account my p/u stops... Incredible.
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Retired 23 years
Apparently UPS isn't the only friend'ed up one. I read today that American Airlines has booked over 15,000 flights between Dec. 17th and Dec. 26 that they don't have a pilot and/or a co-pilot for. Apparently some computer glitch let their pilots schedule a vacation during that time even though they weren't normally allowed to. The Pilots Union says they must honor those vacations. Oops


Well-Known Member
Apparently UPS isn't the only friend'ed up one. I read today that American Airlines has booked over 15,000 flights between Dec. 17th and Dec. 26 that they don't have a pilot and/or a co-pilot for. Apparently some computer glitch let their pilots schedule a vacation during that time even though they weren't normally allowed to. The Pilots Union says they must honor those vacations. Oops
Get on the bus. Gus.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I miss hearing the term PSA... those were the days...

Side note: Tomorrow looks to be the worst day of the week... I never thought it was possible to get to these numbers but my inbound delivery stops are at my peak DST.. not even taking into account my p/u stops... Incredible.
Are you Ground only? I don't see how anyone could get near their schedule K HD/overlap decline threshold. Mine is still double what I'm doing now.


Well-Known Member
Are you Ground only? I don't see how anyone could get near their schedule K HD/overlap decline threshold. Mine is still double what I'm doing now.

I'm HD only and I got 94% of the way there today. I would've been over my DST if I hadn't flexed over anything to some Ground contractors.


Well-Known Member
That explains it. I have one contract that's still Ground only and it's easy peasy for peak. I didn't have to add any resources, just my manager running a small help route.

I pick up more than 30k packs a week. Requires one manager to do sweeps and run a 26ft bulk truck all day every day during peak. Makes multiple trips to and from terminal to unload pallets. Other managers are covering overflow or call outs. Have one other driver doing a mini route and then sweeping heavier pick ups on way back to terminal. It's far from easy peasy. Lots of struggling went on today after a poor showing yesterday. Is only gonna get worse for some guys tomorrow. Im also willing to spend more than most so don't have the same issues the penny pinchers do.


Staff member
I'm partially overlapped but not changed in contract so my DST is set on strictly Ground volume. Needless to say, I'm about 400 stops above DST.

I have no idea what they plan to do or what they expect me to do.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'm partially overlapped but not changed in contract so my DST is set on strictly Ground volume. Needless to say, I'm about 400 stops above DST.

I have no idea what they plan to do or what they expect me to do.
Deliver em, you might have to dust off the old uniform yourself.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
For this week I am 17% over the same week last year for stop count. It doesn't seem too bad. I thought this week would be much worse with the UPS surcharges.


Well-Known Member
I'm partially overlapped but not changed in contract so my DST is set on strictly Ground volume. Needless to say, I'm about 400 stops above DST.

I have no idea what they plan to do or what they expect me to do.

With that in mind, why wouldn't you have just signed the Schedule K? Why do 400 stops above DST for free if you aren't getting paid surge for it? I mean, I considered not signing it this year so that I could just ride off into the sunset without any stress. But then I remembered how much extra money I make during this time of year and thought better of it. I have been fortunate and haven't had to work on the truck at all. But, I know there will at least be a day that I have to.