Peak 2017


Well-Known Member
You have a big nose
I've been wanting to say this forever...they remind me of a real life Fred and Wilma Flintstone. Please don't be insulted Serf, millions love the Flintstones!!
You never post your name in the forum, and never post your face. This is a picture of my interpreter. We worked and served together in Northern Iraq. His name was Amjad. And yes, haha. His shnoze was huge!


Inordinately Right
You are probably upset that they quit making Yugo's
Haters gonna hate.



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
No wonder baby boomers are working in their 70's.
Not talking about you, more power to you if you've got the money enjoy it man.
I put less than 3k miles on my car every year so seems silly to spend a lot on it. I'll probably keep it for about another decade, it only had 110k miles when I bought it.
Car is one thing we've splurged on so far. And before that both of our vehicles were over 10 years old with over 250k miles on them.

I still drive a beater to work. Can't justify spending a ton when I put 500 plus miles a week on it.


Well-Known Member
I'm unaware of any federal student loans (which is the overwhelmingly majority) that have prepay penalties.

And he mentioned nothing about prepay penalties.

Also I didn't ask you what your car loan was. I said what the average car loan was
I was just mentioning loans have various term, and I think your $500 average auto loan may be a little high.

Star B

White Lightening
I'm going to join in with him... have you actually left the USA? If the only experience in "other cultures" is the Wyndham resort in Punta Cana..... yeah... no.

People in North Korea say that North Korea is the best place to live... because they don't know any better due to political influence. The majority of Americans are also trapped in that same mentality.... and vote against their interests because of it.

When your idea of "getting out to see the world" is going to Disney[world/land]... yeah... no. That's not the "world"... that's still just the USA.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to join in with him... have you actually left the USA? If the only experience in "other cultures" is the Wyndham resort in Punta Cana..... yeah... no.

People in North Korea say that North Korea is the best place to live... because they don't know any better due to political influence. The majority of Americans are also trapped in that same mentality.... and vote against their interests because of it.

When your idea of "getting out to see the world" is going to Disney[world/land]... yeah... no. That's not the "world"... that's still just the USA.
Only been a few places wa,or,id,mt,mo,oh,nv,British Columbia,Spain. Never been to any resorts. Unless you call Roche harbor a resort. If nobody tells of better places to live, I will never go experience it myself. Thanks for nothing people.

Star B

White Lightening
The real question is... what is better? The real question is... what can YOU get that is better? I mean, Sweden/Finland is pretty good from what I've heard but the taxes are high because they have a large social net... but "ZOMG SOCIALIZISM", plus also good luck immigrating there. I mean, if you want adventure, I heard Somalia is great for that too. Good luck, we're all counting on you.

The question is "What is better for your situation?". Some people want to live like hermits, never setting foot in a town greater than 10k population, having to chop wood all day and bootstraps. Some people want experiences that can't be had in their country. Some people are OK with living in a 500sqft apartment in the middle of the city and not have to deal with worrying about their healthcare. Some people want diversity. Some people are totally OK with experiencing Epcot and thinking that's the world.

I'm trying really hard not to go political here. I'm sure I'm failing but whatever. The short and curly of it is that the people who have traveled the world, seen how others live, and ask them of their opinions of the USA and have an open mind most of the time see that that we aren't, in fact, the best in the world because we are the biggest. There are a ton of people here in the USA think that the USA is the world and aren't willing to think outside the box or care for their neighbor that they haven't met. Wanting to succeed is not a bad thing, but unbridled greed is a horrible thing but without people waking up... I don't see it changing.

(man that was alot of backspacing and revisions)

For me... and think of this what you want but I'll just throw this out there.. I want to live and not have to worry about being homeless/penniless because I got sick, injured for whatever reason, lost the lottery to get cancer. I want healthcare for all and not tied to your employer so that people can have the choice to live their life and not have to be a slave to the 'man' who provides health insurance.


Well-Known Member
You never post your name in the forum, and never post your face. This is a picture of my interpreter. We worked and served together in Northern Iraq. His name was Amjad. And yes, haha. His shnoze was huge!

Always wondered if that was really you. Still looks like Fred and Wilma though!


Well-Known Member
The real question is... what is better? The real question is... what can YOU get that is better? I mean, Sweden/Finland is pretty good from what I've heard but the taxes are high because they have a large social net... but "ZOMG SOCIALIZISM", plus also good luck immigrating there. I mean, if you want adventure, I heard Somalia is great for that too. Good luck, we're all counting on you.

The question is "What is better for your situation?". Some people want to live like hermits, never setting foot in a town greater than 10k population, having to chop wood all day and bootstraps. Some people want experiences that can't be had in their country. Some people are OK with living in a 500sqft apartment in the middle of the city and not have to deal with worrying about their healthcare. Some people want diversity. Some people are totally OK with experiencing Epcot and thinking that's the world.

I'm trying really hard not to go political here. I'm sure I'm failing but whatever. The short and curly of it is that the people who have traveled the world, seen how others live, and ask them of their opinions of the USA and have an open mind most of the time see that that we aren't, in fact, the best in the world because we are the biggest. There are a ton of people here in the USA think that the USA is the world and aren't willing to think outside the box or care for their neighbor that they haven't met. Wanting to succeed is not a bad thing, but unbridled greed is a horrible thing but without people waking up... I don't see it changing.

(man that was alot of backspacing and revisions)

For me... and think of this what you want but I'll just throw this out there.. I want to live and not have to worry about being homeless/penniless because I got sick, injured for whatever reason, lost the lottery to get cancer. I want healthcare for all and not tied to your employer so that people can have the choice to live their life and not have to be a slave to the 'man' who provides health insurance.
Just from reading, and some travel, been my experience that people who want to come to the U.S. do so for opportunities, and some by what they see in the movies. But most would prefer to live in their home country if they could provide decently for their families there. People worldwide take great pride in their ethnicity and culture. It's why so many when they do come to the U.S. tend to congregate in their own neighborhoods. As a Jamaican friend told me, the U.S. is great for work, but not for living. That's just an opinion, life is what we make it. But when a country is this expensive it gets difficult to make it.


Well-Known Member
$500 a month is less than the average car payment. Paying off in a year or two shouldn't of been a problem with that little debt.

Hell we pay almost 3k a month and it's gonna take 7 years.
250K in student loans? Better be some good paying jobs with those degrees.