Your messiah has taken it to 9.1%................and you think that's success??? Blindness is pitiful.
Umm, not sure if you failed math or that you just dont understand plus and minuses.
Lets compare: George W. Bush 4% walking in, 7.8% walking out,
an increase of unemployment of 3.8%
Obama walking in 7.8% and rising before he even sits down and currently 9.1%,
an increase of unemployment of 1.3%
Tell me where this is disastrous? Even at its highest level (10.1%) that would be an increase of 2.3%.
Bush increases the nations unemployed by 3.8% after inheriting a sound economy, a balanced budget, a budget surplus and a rise in manufacturing, farming and retail. In eight (8) years ,
he collapses wall street, the housing market, the banking industry, the retail industry, the farming industry, the trade deficit and just for kicks, companies like enron, tyco, worldcom with bush cronies collapses everyones pension programs.
On the other hand, OBAMA has stopped the hemoraging of jobs, secured wall street and employed reforms, slowed down the collapse of the housing market, saved two american auto companies, reduced the trade deficit, ended one war, ending a second and saving the USA trillions of dollars in warfare costs by getting out of 2 wars we did not need to be in.
In his first year, the BUSH RECESSION continued into OBAMAs term and it took goverment spending to stop the freefall. Even with the bush tax cuts, NOT a single industry was created in 8 years. Corporations took those tax cuts and ran for third world countries to build their products with the full support of the republican party and followers.
OBAMA was clear from the first day after taking office, he said "this economy will get alot worse before it gets better". He was right, and still is. Unemployment is trending in the right direction.
You cant argue with facts, unless you are a FOXED SPEWS watcher.