Presidential Candidates other than Obama


Well-Known Member
OK, I thought the title of this piece was great !!! Bachmann Turns on Overdrive!!!

What's so sad about someone like Bachmann and not that she's alone among the other GOP wanna-be's (except maybe Ron Paul in this specific case) is no one is engaging her or any of the rest on the whole foundational basis and principles of what is 20th century conservatism. What I mean by that is no one has walked up to her with something like this:

"OK, you are a conservative by you own definition and you often speak of being a Reagan Conservative but Reagan at least in talk hails to a conservatism from a Goldwater and pre-Goldwater ideal. An ideal based on a conservatism molded by the likes of Garet Garrett, a foreign policy of Robert Taft, economics of Hayek and overall principles of a Russell Kirk. As a conservative, could you expound on these core principles and ideals pulled from these men as the foundation of Reagan conservatism and how you will use these ideals to mold your agenda in 21st century politics?"

Now that is the direct to the heart question I'd like to see asked of Bachmann and all the GOP so-called conservative candidates because I already know what the answer will be and other than Ron Paul, I'll let Michelle answer for the rest of the herd.



golden ticket member
Hell, Obama would be pulling out his old Britannicas for that one !!!

I was touting the creativity of the article's title.


Staff member
Hell, Obama would be pulling out his old Britannicas for that one !!!

I was touting the creativity of the article's title.
At which point Bachman would accuse him of being a British undercover colonialist plant. What's wrong with the Encyclopaedia Americana?!


golden ticket member
Anyone who still has an encyclopedia has not had a garage/yard sale in AGES !!!

Old encyclopedia books are good for making 'height' for knick-knacks being placed on top of kitchen cabinets....the ones that don't go to the ceiling. If there's 17 " of clearance, you need plants and doo-dads to decorate the space.

You might be a redneck if........
You think your lined up World Books looks classy.


golden ticket member
Library is the place we told our parents we were going to study at and instead met friends and went elsewhere. We pulled it off most of the time. The popular song at that time was....."And she'll have fun fun fun 'til her daddy takes her T-Bird away...." So fitting!


Staff member
I really don't get it. Which of Obama's "liberal" agenda programs are causing the problems today? It's not like Obamacare is even implemented. Seems more like Obama having to cave in to the republicans over and over is having the more immediate catastrophic results. Why don't we stop acting like tax cuts aren't "targeted stimulus" that don't work? And now the republicans are acting like it's ok to default on our debt. Amazing.


golden ticket member
I had to of the reporters was telling us about Huntsman and his entry into the pres. campaign. He said, "Huntsman took a walk with his wife and high school sweetheart..." Gee, you wouldn't think those gals would get along !!
I had to of the reporters was telling us about Huntsman and his entry into the pres. campaign. He said, "Huntsman took a walk with his wife and high school sweetheart..." Gee, you wouldn't think those gals would get along !!
Why not? My wife and ex-wife are friends.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Unlike Palin, he did announce officially that he was running for pres. That's what puts a person "in". He should not stay in, save the money and buy Calista a diamond bracelet.

Maybe youre begining to see the hypocrisy of the right wing. That idiot had a second line at Tiffanys that reached 1 million dollars, and he's a fiscal conservative.

Oh brother.

One down, 10 to go.
