Presidential Candidates other than Obama



Huckabee won the straw poll in 08 and lost his rear end the rest of the way. Where is he now? Oh yeah, on Fox weekends on a nothing time slot playing guitar resurrecting old GOP players.

Real victory for Bachman!!

"Alright let's get this crapshow over with...the voters are here.."

One of the last five straw poll winners won the presidential was GW...not a good %.


golden ticket member

Huckabee won the straw poll in 08 and lost his rear end the rest of the way. Where is he now? Oh yeah, on Fox weekends on a nothing time slot playing guitar resurrecting old GOP players.

Real victory for Bachman!!


Huckabee makes half a million at FOX plus his radio show plus any speaking fees.......he' s making more than he would as pres. and probably speaking to & affecting more people.


golden ticket member
Straw Poll.........most important word is POLL. It's just 16,500 people in Iowa.....but it's part of the rigamarole of politics.........just like the electoral college is tradition ( which I hope changes).

If YOUR candidate won something like this you'd be crowing like a rooster. Just let the whole process play out and time will tell who the opponents will be.


golden ticket member
Chris Matthews was making comments about Perry. He didn't mention policies, instead he said he doesn't look right and that he looks like a clown. I guess Perry doesn't send a tingle up Chris's leg.

He's man-o-phobic!!!


Staff member
Whispers of Paul Ryan and Gov. Christie maybe entering the race.
Ryan would be a nice addition, but I don't know that he's enough of a "red meat" campaigner to have a shot at winning the nomination in the current political climate.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Perry has several months to put his feet into his mouth. He said something really STUPID with his comment about Bernanke, and its taking FOXED SPEWS and its A.M. allies to "clean up" Perry intention and try to keep him out of controversy.

But, at the end of the day, he's just another bumbling cowboy with well prepared stump speeches and the same old right wing rhetoric. He will put the final nail into Romneys coffin and that will take out the only person who had a chance to beat Obama.

For me, I say, keep talking Mr Perry, You got one foot in already and it wont be long before you get the other one all the way down.



golden ticket member
Perry has several months to put his feet into his mouth. He said something really STUPID with his comment about Bernanke, and its taking FOXED SPEWS and its A.M. allies to "clean up" Perry intention and try to keep him out of controversy.

But, at the end of the day, he's just another bumbling cowboy with well prepared stump speeches and the same old right wing rhetoric. He will put the final nail into Romneys coffin and that will take out the only person who had a chance to beat Obama.

For me, I say, keep talking Mr Perry, You got one foot in already and it wont be long before you get the other one all the way down.


Will Rogers was just a bumbling cowboy.........I'm OK with that!!!


Well-Known Member
God Urging Rick Perry Not To Run!


Looking again at Perry's Job Growth Claims

Here's a guy claiming to be for limited gov't, small gov't if you will and a so-called free market but yet buried in his jobs claim we find this:

$17 Billion Of Federal Stimulus: According to an analysis conducted by the Austin American-Statesman, almost half of Texas' job growth in the past two years took place in the education, health care, and government sectors, all areas supported by federal stimulus money.

YAS SIR! I'm going to cut that federal gov't down to size but not before I gits my money and yor money out of it too! Here's a perfect picture of what Texas governors really are.


What does it say about Texas voters?