

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I’m thinking that is entirely between this person and God.

Just as people who put a book on the throne of God, in place of God Himself. This to is between them and God as well.

I will not throw the first stone of judgement at either.
Hey think what you want and that will make it so.
Here. I'll throw a stone. You're such a pusillanimous.


Well-Known Member

Belief is enough.
And if you study the New Testament you'll find that belief.involves repenting of your sins, confessing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, being baptized, and then striving to live the Christian life. If.a person believes in Jesus, but continues in a life of sin, harming others, will he go to Heaven? If you go to Heaven as long as you believe then what is the Day of Judgement for?


Well-Known Member
I have.

You don’t believe..

Continue to pick and choose, we all do.
What am I not picking that you are? You say you speak directly to God and he to you. I'm not familiar with any verses.that say that will happen. Not familiar with denominations who espouse that. Might be some but I'm not aware. We pray to God, we don't converse with him.


Binge Poster
And if you study the New Testament you'll find that belief.involves repenting of your sins, confessing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, being baptized, and then striving to live the Christian life. If.a person believes in Jesus, but continues in a life of sin, harming others, will he go to Heaven? If you go to Heaven as long as you believe then what is the Day of Judgement for?
Not sure. But I have a private understanding of it’s purpose.


Binge Poster
What am I not picking that you are? You say you speak directly to God and he to you. I'm not familiar with any verses.that say that will happen. Not familiar with denominations who espouse that. Might be some but I'm not aware. We pray to God, we don't converse with him.
You may not but I do.


Well-Known Member
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


Well-Known Member
According to C.S. Lewis, "Holy Scripture" (the Bible) was considered the ultimate authority for both faith and practice, meaning it should be the guiding principle for what Christians believe and how they live their lives; essentially, he viewed the Bible as the supreme source of truth for all aspects of Christian life.

Key points about Lewis's view on Scripture:
  • Highest Authority:
    He believed the Bible was the highest authority, superseding personal opinions or other sources of information when it comes to matters of faith.



Binge Poster
According to C.S. Lewis, "Holy Scripture" (the Bible) was considered the ultimate authority for both faith and practice, meaning it should be the guiding principle for what Christians believe and how they live their lives; essentially, he viewed the Bible as the supreme source of truth for all aspects of Christian life.

Key points about Lewis's view on Scripture:
  • Highest Authority:
    He believed the Bible was the highest authority, superseding personal opinions or other sources of information when it comes to matters of faith.
If that is as God has him understand it I have no problem with that or others that may have the same or similar understanding.

I understand scripture and my view of it is different from this.

I still think CS Lewis has some good points though in spite of my differing views on this.


Well-Known Member
If that is as God has him understand it I have no problem with that or others that may have the same or similar understanding.

I understand scripture and my view of it is different from this.

I still think CS Lewis has some good points though in spite of my differing views on this.
I bet


Binge Poster
According to C.S. Lewis, "Holy Scripture" (the Bible) was considered the ultimate authority for both faith and practice, meaning it should be the guiding principle for what Christians believe and how they live their lives; essentially, he viewed the Bible as the supreme source of truth for all aspects of Christian life.

Key points about Lewis's view on Scripture:
  • Highest Authority:
    He believed the Bible was the highest authority, superseding personal opinions or other sources of information when it comes to matters of faith.


Well-Known Member
Instead of reading that long soliloquy I clicked to see what kind of other stories this person writes.

I would just say I’m not shocked that you read it.

This person wants to proclaim science as his god. Also Believes there are many paths. And thinks Christian needs to change, what they believe about the Bible.

He’s not the first to believe that. Because many people will believe that because it makes it easier for them. That way they can do whatever they want and justify. They can try to make the gate as wide as they want, but the truth is…..

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.”


Well-Known Member
If that is as God has him understand it I have no problem with that or others that may have the same or similar understanding.

I understand scripture and my view of it is different from this.

I still think CS Lewis has some good points though in spite of my differing views on this.
I've been saying the same thing and you've been telling me that I worship a book and have replaced God with it.

And you say you understand scripture yet you disagree with it. You constantly quote men who speak on Christianity yet say the ones who wrote the Bible were just men who weren't inspired by God to write what they did. You say God tells you directly what to do but don't give the men who wrote the Bible the same consideration that God directed them. What God tells you matters but if they wrote something you disagree with then it couldn't have possibly come from God therefore they're just men who are giving us wrong information. Thus they lied to us.

You are living a rich fantasy life.


Well-Known Member
I've been saying the same thing and you've been telling me that I worship a book and have replaced God with it.

And you say you understand scripture yet you disagree with it. You constantly quote men who speak on Christianity yet say the ones who wrote the Bible were just men who weren't inspired by God to write what they did. You say God tells you directly what to do but don't give the men who wrote the Bible the same consideration that God directed them. What God tells you matters but if they wrote something you disagree with then it couldn't have possibly come from God therefore they're just men who are giving us wrong information. Thus they lied to us.

You are living a rich fantasy life.
Clearly, he has his own personal doctrine. Even though he says he doesn’t believe in that, he is quick to judge you because you believe the Bible. While saying. He doesn’t judge people.
And he has to quote those who believes in the Bible because he has no other basis and he knows that.
I have made the statement many times that he is not a Christian because he does not follow Christ.

That is his choice and I support that. It’s much easier to walk through the wide gate so I understand.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, he has his own personal doctrine. Even though he says he doesn’t believe in that, he is quick to judge you because you believe the Bible. While saying. He doesn’t judge people.
And he has to quote those who believes in the Bible because he has no other basis and he knows that.
I have made the statement many times that he is not a Christian because he does not follow Christ.

That is his choice and I support that. It’s much easier to walk through the wide gate so I understand.
Only he believes that wide gate leads to Heaven.