Women have a role, leading the church is not that role.Is having a woman as the Pastor of your church a sin?
Not disciplining your child is irresponsible so it is a sin for the parent. Not all children need the same discipline as the father displays with us on earth.Is spanking your child a sin?
that is addressed in the bible too. Of course, this is where a lot of denominations will argue and split. I can show you texts that says it is sinful. Will you show me the teachings that says it ok for a woman to be a head pastor?Is having a woman as the Pastor of your church a sin?
It is robbing God, but you do it with a happy heart, if you don’t have a happy heart you’re not right anyway, and he doesn’t want your money. it’s an act obedience because you want to.Is not giving your local church 10% of your income before taxes a sin or robbing God as some say?
Yep, because it is a perversion of God‘s plan for men and woman. Most of us did it knowing it was wrong. And some paid the penalty in different ways.Is having sex before marriage a sin?
If you don’t know, the answer of that, I question your morality.Is watching pornography a sin?
I said addiction.I said overeating.
Nope, no church leader is above anyone else. If you prayed about it, and you do not feel they are correct you would go to them in private.Is it a sin to disobey your church leaders?
Lots of questions you don’t know the answer to because you don’t believe what the Bible says isn’t that sad for you?Is gambling a sin?
You’re definitely going to hell for that one!! And the porn too! Cheeky devilIs masturbation a sin?