Well-Known Member
over9five ~ they do this stuff all the time to make us run late. We don't always have late air. But I get a huge shuttle stop at the end of my shift and for some reason if I don't load it the packages go to all my trucks. I even have a huge sign saying where my shuttle goes. I used to put the smalls in a bag but someone put in the wrong stuff so I was told I can't do that anymore! I have seen sups just toss shuttle stuff into my trucks and they even gave me a package that was not part of my shuttle. I guess I just don't trust anyone because when I get "help" I also get misloads. So I can't run late or my shuttle gets messed up. The quizzes can be done before the sort or after with better results. My drivers would disagree with staying late as they are usually the first ones to leave since I am wrapped up before they have thier PCM. She could print them out and let us (me) take them home but I guess we should be paid for our time in doing them. They are just a pain to do but I won't lose my job over them. I guess the world won't stop turning either so whatever they want will just have to work. I have to remind myself I get paid to load trucks not think! Thanks for the input.