The membership of L177 has voted for an Executive Board as their representatives and supplied them with the Bylaws that give discretion on all contract proposals.I think the local should have proposal meetings in all areas that would be affected by a change, like you are proposing. They should have examples of the proposal on paper showing how it works each way, current and future, if there's a change. They should then use a white board or slide projector and show how each works. Then they should open the floor for questions and comments. Then they should take a vote on paper ballot in all locations and talley them with a witness from both proponents. Then at the next membership meeting announce the vote counts and tell the membership if there will be a proposal for change at negotiations or not.
L177 could easily have over 75-100 surviving proposals next contract.
If each presentation/vote took only 10 minutes, the proposition of "voting" on each proposal at a membership mtg could take a bit of time.