Student walkouts

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'm happy to report a bad spelling award. when you overwhelm a lib with common sense you are guaranteed a bad spelling award.
I accept this award with the appropriate humility.
You think complaining about news companies not covering boring stories is overwhelming with common sense? K.


Well-Known Member
You think complaining about news companies not covering boring stories is overwhelming with common sense? K.

another dodge you claim you don't watch cable news but yet did not explain how your talking points are always in sync with and always mirror the DNC talking points?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
another dodge you claim you don't watch cable news but yet did not explain how your talking points are always in sync with and always mirror the DNC talking points?
I honestly have no idea why you always post that as if you are making a point. Where does one find the DNC talking points? It's your classic response when you don't have anything to argue. "Hur Dur DNC talking points, stupid libs, zing!"


Well-Known Member
but I suppose true Journalistic news providers would probably spend as much time reporting on and investigating the differences here ?
perhaps with as much vigor interviewing students there who want to keep their gun rights?

I hope I wont have to spell out the obvious to you every time?

This is a side note, but :censored2:.

I suppose ‘true Journalistic news providers’ wouldn’t gloss over the serial-bomber in Austin, TX.

When it’s a white guy, it’s always complicated.

If it’s a Muslim, well, the narrative practically writes itself.

Same thing if the bomber was a black man, there’s a narrative there as well.

But the bomber was white, where are Trump’s tweets?

I guess my point is ‘you doth protest too much’.


Well-Known Member
I honestly have no idea why you always post that as if you are making a point. Where does one find the DNC talking points? It's your classic response when you don't have anything to argue. "Hur Dur DNC talking points, stupid libs, zing!"

your rhetoric here always mirrors the DNC talking points.


Retired 23 years
5 to 7 kids a day die by texting while driving. I think were should take away their cellphones ---and their cars.


Well-Known Member
its good that the students are protesting but they should have been protesting the highest tuition in the world a long time ago.

this will be good practice.


Well-Known Member
so students are protesting being shot at.

and people around the world protest being shot at by western government armies notably the American empire.


Well-Known Member
2.5 hours before the student march was to start and it was already bigger than trumps inauguration.

Bernie sanders would've had a big one if it weren't for the rich destroying his campaign. this is how you know your not free because the rich control the government and they control you at your jobs.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
This is a side note, but :censored2:.

I suppose ‘true Journalistic news providers’ wouldn’t gloss over the serial-bomber in Austin, TX.

When it’s a white guy, it’s always complicated.

If it’s a Muslim, well, the narrative practically writes itself.

Same thing if the bomber was a black man, there’s a narrative there as well.

But the bomber was white, where are Trump’s tweets?

I guess my point is ‘you doth protest too much’.
If he is Muslim you already know the story cause that's what their religious leaders preach.
If he is some sort of supremacist he deserves a quick trial. Like a bullet between the eyes right at the location of the crime