Student walkouts


Happy Verified UPSer
my dad was at pearl harbor at age 17. i asked him about it but he said 'don't want to talk about it" never spoke of the war.

at 17-18 all i cared about was the next party. because of our fathers' generation we are not enslaved and speaking german or japanese. till the day my dad died he never liked or forgave the japs.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
my dad was at pearl harbor at age 17. i asked him about it but he said 'don't want to talk about it" never spoke of the war.

at 17-18 all i cared about was the next party. because of our fathers' generation we are not enslaved and speaking german or japanese. till the day my dad died he never liked or forgave the japs.
:censored2:. Guess I'd have to make sure he never saw my most prized doll.


Retired 23 years
my dad was at pearl harbor at age 17. i asked him about it but he said 'don't want to talk about it" never spoke of the war.

at 17-18 all i cared about was the next party. because of our fathers' generation we are not enslaved and speaking german or japanese. till the day my dad died he never liked or forgave the japs.

They are a mean bunch when it come right down to it. The stuff they did to our troops in their POW camps makes our waterboarding look like being tickled with a feather.


Well-Known Member
Read "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand. You'll never forgive them either.
A lot of reasons to not like the Japanese back then. But give them credit. When they surrender they do so completely. And then channeled that energy into building one of the world's great economies.


Well-Known Member
They are a mean bunch when it come right down to it. The stuff they did to our troops in their POW camps makes our waterboarding look like being tickled with a feather.
The Japanese are what liberals are always accusing conservative white men of being: racists. They truly believe, or at least that they did, that they're superior to everyone else. And thus could treat everyone else any way they pleased.


Retired 23 years
My Dad was on an aircraft carrier that took a glancing blow from a kamikaze plane that killed a lot of his shipmates. He mentioned that story only once and showed us some pictures of his ship limping back to be repaired but other that that he never talked about the bad stuff. I wish I could turn back the clock and talk to him about that time in his life.


Retired 23 years
Read about the Battle of Horse Shoe Bend or the Trail of Tears if you want a sick stomach. US Forces were no angels.

I believe we were discussing the Japanese but if you want to bring up every time one group of people crapped on another group of people go for it.


Well-Known Member
They were defending their homeland.
But it still was a battle. Since you brought it up when we defeated Indian tribes we didn't shoot them all in the back of the head or gas them in chambers. We put them on set aside land and gave them assistance. Nowhere near as bad as the way the Nazis brutalized civilian populations in the Balkans, killing millions in gas chambers, or the Japanese over running China killing 20 million, brutalizing POW's, or forcing 90,000 Korean and Filipina women to service the Japanese Army. Plenty of brutality on both sides in the Indian Wars, and if they hadn't been decimated by the diseases we brought they may have won those wars and fended off European colonization. But you guys always want to advance the narrative that the U.S. is just as bad as everyone else when the conversation turns to WWII brutality. No we aren't. No we weren't.


Bad Moon Risen'
Andrew Jackson's army burned WOMAN and CHILDREN alive in their homes, a shot in the back of the head would have been more humane. His army then mutilated the bodies of all the fallen and even made horse bridles out of their skin.


Well-Known Member
Andrew Jackson's army burned WOMAN and CHILDREN alive in their homes, a shot in the back of the head would have been more humane. His army then mutilated the bodies of all the fallen and even made horse bridles out of their skin.
And Indians up and down the frontier massacred white settlers. I've read all of this many times before. I have Creek and mostly Cherokee heritage. A side note is that a Creek woman and her small half white son escaped after the battle and made their way to Central Florida. That son grew up to be Chief Osceola of the Seminoles. The Seminoles were an amalgamation of Creeks, runaway slaves, and local tribes that all mixed into something unique. Seminole is a Creek word meaning runaway, referring to Creeks who fled after the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. And it was the kidnapping of Osceola's black wife that led to the First Seminole War. After the Seminoles were defeated were they all slaughtered? No, eventually they were shipped to Oklahoma. Most of them that is.