Student walkouts


Retired 23 years
2.5 hours before the student march was to start and it was already bigger than trumps inauguration.

Bernie sanders would've had a big one if it weren't for the rich destroying his campaign. this is how you know your not free because the rich control the government and they control you at your jobs.

What do you care? You live in your parents basement


Retired 23 years
I heard someone today comparing the marchers with MLK ------and Barack Obama. MLK -------I can go along with that but including Obama in that same sentence made me throw up in my mouth a little.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
...they control you at your jobs.
How is that so? I agree that if they overstep the line of the bare necessary control needed to get the job done, they need to friend* off. But to imply that the need for a job is control, I disagree.
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