Student walkouts


Well-Known Member
The Japanese are what liberals are always accusing conservative white men of being: racists. They truly believe, or at least that they did, that they're superior to everyone else. And thus could treat everyone else any way they pleased.
Sounds just like Drumpf.


Well-Known Member
And Indians up and down the frontier massacred white settlers. I've read all of this many times before. I have Creek and mostly Cherokee heritage. A side note is that a Creek woman and her small half white son escaped after the battle and made their way to Central Florida. That son grew up to be Chief Osceola of the Seminoles. The Seminoles were an amalgamation of Creeks, runaway slaves, and local tribes that all mixed into something unique. Seminole is a Creek word meaning runaway, referring to Creeks who fled after the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. And it was the kidnapping of Osceola's black wife that led to the First Seminole War. After the Seminoles were defeated were they all slaughtered? No, eventually they were shipped to Oklahoma. Most of them that is.
I'll assume from the argument you are correct or @bottomups
ran out of talking points, whichever it was, all humans no matter color or nationality are vicious self-seeking opportunists.


Well-Known Member
How is that so? I agree that if they overstep the line of the bare necessary control needed to get the job done, they need to friend* off. But to imply that the need for a job is control, I disagree.
bare necessary control is still control to one degree or another.


Inordinately Right
sad john lennon got killed.