Student walkouts

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Because they rightly believe asking the question will scare immigrants, legal or otherwise, away from returning the census form.
I don't understand why legal immigrants would care as they are already in US Government databases.
Sorry but I don't buy that.

States with high immigrant populations will lose money and representation.
That would be a good thing IMO for the country.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why legal immigrants would care as they are already in US Government databases.
Sorry but I don't buy that.

That would be a good thing IMO for the country.
They've been doing test runs, people freak out when asked. If the goal is to get an accurate accounting of the population currently living here a citizenship question runs counter to that goal.


Staff member

He’s doing a crappy job. Remington filed for bankruptcy.


Staff member
You appeared clueless so I was trying to help you. :wink-very:

Trust me, I'm well aware of the inset photo. I was less than 75 miles away when it happened. A very good friend of mine knew Allison.

I just want to know what that event has to do with any events happening now.


Well-Known Member
Because they rightly believe asking the question will scare immigrants, legal or otherwise, away from returning the census form. States with high immigrant populations will lose money and representation.

that's an excuse. I was an immigrant before I was naturalized , I never had any fears about answering those questions. in fact immigrants are required by law to tell the government where they are living and to file a change of address everytime they move.

the people you're trying to hide are the illegals only.


Inordinately Right
that's an excuse. I was an immigrant before I was naturalized , I never had any fears about answering those questions. in fact immigrants are required by law to tell the government where they are living and to file a change of address everytime they move.

the people you're trying to hide are the illegals only.
Go back we don't want you :censored2:.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Trust me, I'm well aware of the inset photo. I was less than 75 miles away when it happened. A very good friend of mine knew Allison.

I just want to know what that event has to do with any events happening now.
Eliminate guns via 2nd Amendment repeal, and that is what you'll have to look forward to. Historically speaking, of course .

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Trust me, I'm well aware of the inset photo. I was less than 75 miles away when it happened. A very good friend of mine knew Allison.

I just want to know what that event has to do with any events happening now.
This is Current Events Dude.
Half the stuff here is outright lies.
40% is spin
10% is actual discussion quality.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Non-citizens would include legal residence otherwise known as green cards and people staying with Visas. Ttku.
I was aware of that.
Those are the documented aliens.
Cross-reference the databases and you know who to cull!

Don't you ever get tired of me whipping your butt!
Typical lib ... keep trying the same thing although it never works! :speechless:
I was an immigrant before I was naturalized , I never had any fears about answering those questions. in fact immigrants are required by law to tell the government where they are living and to file a change of address every time they move.
the people you're trying to hide are the illegals only.
That was my point in an earlier diatribe.


Well-Known Member
I believe you are confused as to the purpose of the Census.

The Census determines the population of constituents (being a voting member of a community or organization and having the power to appoint or elect) in each state in order to apportion representation in the House of Representatives. That number is fluid, and is based on each states' percentage of the population as a whole. That percentage determines how many of the 435 Representatives each state has.

Natural and naturalized citizens are the constituents of our representatives in Congress. Non-citizens have no voting rights, and by default, no right to said representation.

This threatens the very core and foundation of the Liberal Movement. THAT is why the wailing and gnashing of their teeth is deafening.
That’s not what the Constitution says.


Strength through joy
I was born here and I'm am American.
Not a mixed race person .
Yet there is no place for me to list who I am .
I write in American and they list me as Armenian .