My business agent is one of those that seems to disappear until election time. If your BA is like mine, you make him well aware that he has a job and you expect him to do it. I have gone up the food chain on him, just like I would a manager. I always get a call back. If I don't get it in the timeframe I desire, I email/write a letter. My letters are sent certified mail, signature required. They know that in a heartbeat I will be on the phone with the state council/international/nlrb. Be proactive.
Above all else, attend the meetings. My local has them monthly in different areas. One Saturday in Watertown, next in Potsdam, and then Plattsburg area. I don't go to Plattsburg, but have been known to go to Potsdam, even though it is over an hour one way from my house.
Don't expect them to kiss your ass, but make sure they know who they work for. Yes, they work for you. I have told mine many times that I pay his wages.