

bella amicizia
My business agent is one of those that seems to disappear until election time. If your BA is like mine, you make him well aware that he has a job and you expect him to do it. I have gone up the food chain on him, just like I would a manager. I always get a call back. If I don't get it in the timeframe I desire, I email/write a letter. My letters are sent certified mail, signature required. They know that in a heartbeat I will be on the phone with the state council/international/nlrb. Be proactive.

Above all else, attend the meetings. My local has them monthly in different areas. One Saturday in Watertown, next in Potsdam, and then Plattsburg area. I don't go to Plattsburg, but have been known to go to Potsdam, even though it is over an hour one way from my house.

Don't expect them to kiss your ass, but make sure they know who they work for. Yes, they work for you. I have told mine many times that I pay his wages.


I worked at ups for 5 years, and now at FedEx. Both here in Atlanta. Someone posted that they make 22per hour part time? I don't know where that is but I'm pretty sure it's after 30 years of service. Ups starts at 9 per hour and FedEx is 10:38 per hour. Unions promote mediocrity and they get in the way of good companies. Ups is like a prison, the thugs that work there know they can't get fired so they can get away with only coming in 3 days a week. FedEx is a night and day difference. Unions give losers the chance to be like the rest of us.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I worked at ups for 5 years, and now at FedEx. Both here in Atlanta. Someone posted that they make 22per hour part time? I don't know where that is but I'm pretty sure it's after 30 years of service. Ups starts at 9 per hour and FedEx is 10:38 per hour. Unions promote mediocrity and they get in the way of good companies. Ups is like a prison, the thugs that work there know they can't get fired so they can get away with only coming in 3 days a week. FedEx is a night and day difference. Unions give losers the chance to be like the rest of us.
It was me and my seniority date is Jan 1 1998 and the rate is $21.00 and change and will be $22.00 after the .475 bump Feb 1. You do the math smart guy it is not 30 years .As to the comment about thugs I resent it. I work hard every day at UPS and give a fair days work for a fair days pay.Ups is not perfect but my guess is you could not cut it.I started in my 40's and now almost 58 years old and work hard 5 nights a week and will continue into my 60's .You only wish you had a steward like me and the IBT to represent you . "Thugs " "3 days a week" KMA Fedex Loser.


Well-Known Member
I worked at ups for 5 years, and now at FedEx. Both here in Atlanta. Someone posted that they make 22per hour part time? I don't know where that is but I'm pretty sure it's after 30 years of service. Ups starts at 9 per hour and FedEx is 10:38 per hour. Unions promote mediocrity and they get in the way of good companies. Ups is like a prison, the thugs that work there know they can't get fired so they can get away with only coming in 3 days a week. FedEx is a night and day difference. Unions give losers the chance to be like the rest of us.

Why'd you stay five years if you feel that way. If you were a man of your word you'd have left for Fedexcess after two weeks. Enjoy your time being Fred's little brainwashed bitch. Maybe he'll let you buy your own truck someday and make you feel like it's a good deal. You're just the kind of idiot he loves.


Well-Known Member
I worked at ups for 5 years, and now at FedEx. Both here in Atlanta. Someone posted that they make 22per hour part time? I don't know where that is but I'm pretty sure it's after 30 years of service. Ups starts at 9 per hour and FedEx is 10:38 per hour. Unions promote mediocrity and they get in the way of good companies. Ups is like a prison, the thugs that work there know they can't get fired so they can get away with only coming in 3 days a week. FedEx is a night and day difference. Unions give losers the chance to be like the rest of us.

It all depends on what contract you were hired under. We had a PTer hired in 1982 who was making close to $28/hr when he retired.

Union do promote mediocrity.

Your thug comment is out of line. 90+% of the employees come in and give a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. Those that hide behind the contract tend to be weeded out.


I left because I'm a musician and that's what I have done for the last 10 years, my complaint isn't with ups it's with the international brotherhood of takers, lazy bastards each and every one. I managed an operation in the hub and had to have 13 people to staff an operation of 10. We had to over staff the operation so we could have enough to run. That means that 3 people a day were at home sitting on their union asses while ups paid for benefits. Is that fair to the company? My guess is that y'all don't care about what's fair for the company. I'm not the type of manager that gets some kind of joy out of firing people but sometimes that needs to happen to move forward. Jimmy Hoffa, who had been convicted of jury tampering, attempted bribery, and fraud in 1964, was imprisoned in 1967, sentenced to 13 years, after exhausting the appeal process. In mid-1971 he resigned the Teamsters' presidency, an action that was part of a pardon agreement with US presidentRichard Nixon, an impeached president. Man, you guys have some good leaders.


Well-Known Member
What does the union really do? From my prospective it collects dues and that's about it.

You don't have to stay in the union you can quit and go get another non union job at anytime nobody is hold you hostage....

The union got me the $31.785 I currently make, gives us some of the best health insurance you can get and it's free, gives us a pension, gives us vacation plus sick days and personal days, gives us rights when some management maroon wants to fire me for nothing, Etc.

But according to you the union doesn't do anything for you....


Well-Known Member
10:38 per hour huh, never heard of getting paid in time. If nonunion FedEx is so much better, the how come their service doesn't prove it. UPS will always be number 1 because we get paid well, have good benefits, and a pension plan (thank you teamster thugs) which in return inspires us to give great service. Alright you can go back to playing your ****ty music now.


Well-Known Member
10:38 per hour huh, never heard of getting paid in time. If nonunion FedEx is so much better, the how come their service doesn't prove it. UPS will always be number 1 because we get paid well, have good benefits, and a pension plan (thank you teamster thugs) which in return inspires us to give great service. Alright you can go back to playing your ****ty music now.
Im talking to you kfr1976


Well-Known Member
My business agent is one of those that seems to disappear until election time. If your BA is like mine, you make him well aware that he has a job and you expect him to do it. I have gone up the food chain on him, just like I would a manager. I always get a call back. If I don't get it in the timeframe I desire, I email/write a letter. My letters are sent certified mail, signature required. They know that in a heartbeat I will be on the phone with the state council/international/nlrb. Be proactive.

Above all else, attend the meetings. My local has them monthly in different areas. One Saturday in Watertown, next in Potsdam, and then Plattsburg area. I don't go to Plattsburg, but have been known to go to Potsdam, even though it is over an hour one way from my house.

Don't expect them to kiss your ass, but make sure they know who they work for. Yes, they work for you. I have told mine many times that I pay his wages.

Remember, come election time and there looking for your vote, remind them where have you been all year.


Late response but here we go, Im in Georgia so I had the option of not being in a ****ty union. I never payed those bastards a dime. 4 and 1/2 of my years were in management. The reason I say FedEx is better is because I can get rid of the sorry employees that dont come to work, continuously fail to do their jobs, etc.... That is a real problem at ups. After 5 months of being a superstar loader at FedEx I'm a manager again. After a couple of weeks of managing my new operation I can without a doubt say that the quality of employees is far superior. No complaining or calling in sick. If my calculations are correct, no union means better production better starting pay less absenteeism.


Absolutely sir! I think that most pro union people are in states where they don't have a choice to be in a union or not. So they all think it's great. I'm in Georgia so I have seen the difference between union minded people and non union people.


Well-Known Member
Late response but here we go, Im in Georgia so I had the option of not being in a ****ty union. I never payed those bastards a dime. 4 and 1/2 of my years were in management. The reason I say FedEx is better is because I can get rid of the sorry employees that dont come to work, continuously fail to do their jobs, etc.... That is a real problem at ups. After 5 months of being a superstar loader at FedEx I'm a manager again. After a couple of weeks of managing my new operation I can without a doubt say that the quality of employees is far superior. No complaining or calling in sick. If my calculations are correct, no union means better production better starting pay less absenteeism.
What a surprising response from you. So open minded! Here's a hint all-star, if you weren't clever enough to fire the employees you reference, FedEx made a bad choice promoting you to management. Superstar loader???, more accurately superstar freeloader! You'll be looking for new butts to kiss before long, but if you do manage to stay with FedEx I hope you go all the way up. UPS will succeed long into the future with their main competition run by folks like you.


Well-Known Member
Anytime you non unioners want to compare w2's with me, I'm game! Lets calculate it all in fact! Wage, bennies, free services, discounts. (Retracted after venting)
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Well-Known Member
Late response but here we go, Im in Georgia so I had the option of not being in a ****ty union. I never payed those bastards a dime. 4 and 1/2 of my years were in management. The reason I say FedEx is better is because I can get rid of the sorry employees that dont come to work, continuously fail to do their jobs, etc.... That is a real problem at ups. After 5 months of being a superstar loader at FedEx I'm a manager again. After a couple of weeks of managing my new operation I can without a doubt say that the quality of employees is far superior. No complaining or calling in sick. If my calculations are correct, no union means better production better starting pay less absenteeism.
Retracted after venting.