

What a surprising response from you. So open minded! Here's a hint all-star, if you weren't clever enough to fire the employees you reference, FedEx made a bad choice promoting you to management. Superstar loader???, more accurately superstar freeloader! You'll be looking for new butts to kiss before long, but if you do manage to stay with FedEx I hope you go all the way up. UPS will succeed long into the future with their main competition run by folks like you.

You shouldn't have to be clever to fire a lousy employee, when a company has a shady union you do have to be clever. I would like to stress that I'm not the type of manager that gets excited about firing people but how long should someone be able to get away with lousy performance, calling in sick, etc... If you had a company how long would you let things like that go on?


And the flip side is that UPS is the way it is because of the Union.

The truth, which we will never know, is probably somewhere in the middle.
Curious thought Hoke...
If ups didn't have the teamsters,would they would be better off?
I doubt it.Everyone would be fired every day with no chance of getting
their job back.The sups would have no one to hassle,and they could deliver
all the packages.I'd like to see that.All kidding aside,I'd be glad to quit the union.
They have never done anything for me.


golden ticket member
.All kidding aside,I'd be glad to quit the union.
They have never done anything for me.

Most guys that do their job never have contact with the union.....except forking over the dues. The union is designed to take care of the guy who is the trouble maker, doesn't do his job and is always the problem.

If you do your job and never have contact with the union, you shouldn't have to pay dues.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't have to be clever to fire a lousy employee, when a company has a shady union you do have to be clever. I would like to stress that I'm not the type of manager that gets excited about firing people but how long should someone be able to get away with lousy performance, calling in sick, etc... If you had a company how long would you let things like that go on?
You're right brainiac, you don't need to be very clever to fire a lousy employee. That was my point.
I'm one of those lazy bastards that represent those (in your words) "thugs, losers or sorry employees", that you now claim you don't get excited about firing. Guess what, they do get fired, all the time! And unless a maroon manager steps all over themselves procedurally, the terminations stick. So to answer your question, things like that don't go on, except in the imaginations of some of these pro management posters.
Your earlier post of overstaffing an operation at UPS is flat out hilarious. You really lost credibility there.
Keep carrying water for your corporate masters talking down unions and maybe Fred will let you wash his car.


Well-Known Member
Most guys that do their job never have contact with the union.....except forking over the dues. The union is designed to take care of the guy who is the trouble maker, doesn't do his job and is always the problem.

If you do your job and never have contact with the union, you shouldn't have to pay dues.

I haven't had contact with my auto insurer in over twenty years...except forking over premiums. I drive safe and never need the insurance. Of course I should pay for that because I might need it.
The Teamsters do much more than "take care of troublemakers". That actually rarely occurs except in right wing blogosphere or on the FOX NEWS imaginary reporting channel.
You should stick to cheerleading for Romney and leave explaining reasons for union existence to those that live it.


Public unions are the bane of this country's existence and should be terminated. Private companies can do what they want regarding unions. If you don't like it you can leave.


golden ticket member
From the Bureau of Labor Stats.

In 2011, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary workers who
were members of a union--was 11.8 percent .....down from 11.9% in 2010.

Seems to me if the unions were so wonderful, the number of unionized workers would be in the 70 some %.


You're right brainiac, you don't need to be very clever to fire a lousy employee. That was my point.
I'm one of those lazy bastards that represent those (in your words) "thugs, losers or sorry employees", that you now claim you don't get excited about firing. Guess what, they do get fired, all the time! And unless a maroon manager steps all over themselves procedurally, the terminations stick. So to answer your question, things like that don't go on, except in the imaginations of some of these pro management posters.
Your earlier post of overstaffing an operation at UPS is flat out hilarious. You really lost credibility there.
Keep carrying water for your corporate masters talking down unions and maybe Fred will let you wash his car.

You know nothing about management at ups, you fire one of those human gutter balls and next week he's right back, or you give a suspension letter for piss poor attendance and Hoffa gets it reduced to a warning letter. It happens every time. Im sure some of them do stick but are you proud of the fact that you have to pay a crooked organization like the teamsters to keep you around longer ?


From the Bureau of Labor Stats.

In 2011, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary workers who
were members of a union--was 11.8 percent .....down from 11.9% in 2010.

Seems to me if the unions were so wonderful, the number of unionized workers would be in the 70 some %.

It doesn't help when anti-labor laws have been passed - continuously - since the 1970's, culminating in the nadir period for labor under Reagan when he broke PATCO. Additionally, companies have gotten smarter, meaner, and bolder in how they handle union campaigns. Quite frankly, companies do not fear the NLRB. In a recent attempt to unionize a Miller Brewing plant in Shenandoah Valley in VA, the company told employees that if they voted to be represented by the Teamsters, their wages would be set to $0.00/hour. Completely illegal, mind you - the company would be required to pay the Federal minimum wage, at least - but the objective of captive audience meetings is to scare employees into voting against their own interests.

Additionally, the sheer volume of misinformation circulated and cultural biases in the South against labor ("Gotta do what I can to help the bossman!" and/or the Jim Crow era anti-labor sentiments against unions that sought to end segregation) have kept that number low.

Real wages have remained stagnant since the 1980's. Union density has also gone down during that period. Wage and income disparity have grown to obscene levels during the Great Recession. Coincidence? I think not.


I've never needed the Union in 9 years, but I dont mind paying dues. The cost of dues is well worth the free insurance and what we get paid. Just do your job and go need to worry about the bad employees.....they're at every company.


Well-Known Member
What does the union really do? From my prospective it collects dues and that's about it.
I think you may be speaking of your Local Union. If so, the answer is simple. The Union does what you allow it to do. If you never see them, you need to get involved and fix that. Go to the meetings, ask questions at the meetings, and if you don't get answers you may have to a step further.

Get a copy of the Contract and read it. Read it again. Then, read it again. Start with being a good steward to yourself. Don't turn a blind eye to things just because they don't affect you. Take care of your brothers and sisters. One day they will take care of you.

If you are not the type of person who can do this, try to find someone in your operation who is. Ask that person to go with you to the meetings. Heck, ask several. You might be surprised. Maybe you are the future of your local. Prehaps someone in the group will feel calling to run for Local Union Office.