Tentative Agreement is now Available


Well-Known Member
The way I read that.... is no RPCD is to be laid off, if 22.4's are working period.

Reason being, it's a combo job.
With all due respect, you are reading it wrong.

If that is the case, then why does (6) start off by saying this? When the new job includes inside work,....

I think I'd be ok with the 22.4 language, if there was a stipulation of something like, "If 22.4 is on road over 6 hrs, he/she will receive RPCD pay rate for their entire time worked"

The Driver

I drive.
Corporate America is forecasting fantastic quarterly earnings increases through the fourth quarter of this year, there's a shortage of labor in the overall economy and a huge shortage in our industry, UPS keeps making billions in profit a year... and this is the contract we get to vote on.

No thanks. My $91 a month is being wasted. Go to hell, Hoffa.


Well-Known Member
I was at the 2-man committee for that contract and know what was said and the

questions that were asked. Allowing UPS to pay their withdraw liability and start their

own pension plan was contingent on that provision.
What worries me about that, is in subsequent contracts, if that is taken out. I hope not, but I can see in 10 years or so, when the members aren't nearly concerned about that, because most won't have any time in the CSPF, that it'll be bargained away for something. Wouldn't hurt me horribly bad, but just enough to be annoying.


Well-Known Member
You mean all the people that don't bother to vote, or have even been to a Union meeting ?

I was at the 2-man committee for that contract and know what was said and the

questions that were asked. Allowing UPS to pay their withdraw liability and start their

own pension plan was contingent on that provision. I still have all my hand-written notes

from that very meeting. All you have to do are read the comments on this forum and, it's

readily apparent how ill informed the membership really is. And it's their own fault.

Screw me ?

I'll stand by what I said, with almost 40yrs of experience to back me up.

Besides.... I have had people say a lot worse to me.:biggrin:

Thank you for everything that you do.


The Nim
Everyone I've talked to, mainly pters and some 22.3s the consensus is this contract sucks, even though most have only read the bullet point highlights and didn't know the TA just leaked out. Many fear a strike because they can't afford it, mainly because they're pt and can't afford it even with outside income or ft that live beyond their means, but any of the more staunch or union conscious people are ready and want a better contract.

I work in a RTW state, and I respect the union for what I have, but I've had my issues with local leadership and if this POS of a contract goes through the only things keeping me from driving down to the union hall to remove myself from the union will be traffic and the cost of gas. I will buy a grill, steaks and a handle of rum just to sit on the picket line in protest of the absolute :censored2: this contract the IBT allowed to even get this far.
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You smell that?
You mean all the people that don't bother to vote, or have even been to a Union meeting ?

I was at the 2-man committee for that contract and know what was said and the

questions that were asked. Allowing UPS to pay their withdraw liability and start their

own pension plan was contingent on that provision. I still have all my hand-written notes

from that very meeting. All you have to do are read the comments on this forum and, it's

readily apparent how ill informed the membership really is. And it's their own fault.

Screw me ?

I'll stand by what I said, with almost 40yrs of experience to back me up.

Besides.... I have had people say a lot worse to me.:biggrin:


And it was our understanding that was a 10 year deal that could possibly be up for renegotiation for this contract....you can't blame people for being worried....well, I guess YOU can but that's cool.


Well-Known Member
Everyone I've talked to, mainly pters and some 22.3s the consensus is this contract sucks, even though most have only read the bullet point highlights and didn't know the TA just leaked out. Many fear a strike because they can't afford it, mainly because they're pt and can't afford it even with outside income or ft that live beyond their means, but any of the more staunch or union conscious people are ready and want a better contract.

I work in a RTW state, and I respect the union for what I have, but I've had my issues with local leadership and if this POS of a contract goes through the only things keeping me from driving down to the union hall to remove myself from the union will be traffic and the cost of gas. I will buy a grill, steaks and a handle or rum just to sit on the picket line in protest of the absolute :censored2: this contract the IBT allowed to even get this far.
This will be "the richest contract ever". Lol.


The resident gearhead
Everyone I've talked to, mainly pters and some 22.3s the consensus is this contract sucks, even though most have only read the bullet point highlights and didn't know the TA just leaked out. Many fear a strike because they can't afford it, mainly because they're pt and can't afford it even with outside income or ft that live beyond their means, but any of the more staunch or union conscious people are ready and want a better contract.

I work in a RTW state, and I respect the union for what I have, but I've had my issues with local leadership and if this POS of a contract goes through the only things keeping me from driving down to the union hall to remove myself from the union will be traffic and the cost of gas. I will buy a grill, steaks and a handle or rum just to sit on the picket line in protest of the absolute :censored2: this contract the IBT allowed to even get this far.
Got a contract extension. No strike gonna happen. Our current IBT leaders don't have the cajones.


We don't need anymore trash on here than what we got now so let's have a little class with the union members.
Management is fair game if they want to fight but leave leadbelly out of this.

There's about 6000 canadians that kept the current folks in their jobs at the ibt so send them thank yous.

I know of one guy who is on the top of the negotiating committee and he is a great guy and works hard for the members.

This is just round one.
I was here before LB, will leave after LB. Same as Upstate. Good riddance, just glad that LB is no where near my buildings.

And if you want to talk about "class", the reason I posted this was to treat him exactly the way he treated others. Karma to another Teamster loyalist sellout.


Active Member
This paragraph needs more teeth. What constitutes excessive dispatch/overtime on these two days? Nobody knows so our BA doesn’t even touch these grievances.


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Got the T-Shirt
And it was our understanding that was a 10 year deal that could possibly be up for renegotiation for this contract....you can't blame people for being worried....well, I guess YOU can but that's cool.

That must be a common misconception, because you're not the first person to say that.

I think (for some reason) they get it confused with this MOU.

Memorandum of Understanding

"United Parcel Service, Inc. (Ohio and New York Corporation), as a demonstration of its commitment to maintaining jointly administered Teamster pension benefit plans, and to enhance the long term stability of pension coverage for its employees represented by Teamster Local Unions, agrees that for a period of ten (10) years from the effective date of the National Master Agreement, it will not solicit any signatory Local Union to change pension plans, either by proposing such change during future negotiations of the National Master Agreement or by encouraging its employees to advocate withdrawal from participation in their current pension plan."


That's just and educated guess....



Well-Known Member
For a company that made $4.9 billion from $65+ billion in revenue last year, they can certainly offer more. But I’m just a package car driver, I really don’t know friend all about running a Fortune 500 company.


Got the T-Shirt
With all due respect, you are reading it wrong.

If that is the case, then why does (6) start off by saying this? When the new job includes inside work,....

We need some clarification on that.

It just doesn't make sense (to me) any other way.

Because if you're correct, that would be a complete misstep.

Good question to ask.... at the Local Union review. ;)

I think I'd be ok with the 22.4 language, if there was a stipulation of something like, "If 22.4 is on road over 6 hrs, he/she will receive RPCD pay rate for their entire time worked"

I don't think anyone, would have a problem with that.

What constitutes excessive dispatch/overtime on these two days? Nobody knows so our BA doesn’t even touch these grievances.

That's the difference between different Locals and BA's.

In my Local, it's never been an issue. Sign the 9.5 list and you're not working over 9.5.

There are other drivers that like the overtime or ones that will complain until payday.



Well-Known Member
The sad part is we are due for a recession in the next 10 years so right now is our only time for a good contract in the near future. And this is what we got. Less than inflation raises, new jobs that pay less. This better get voted down and renegotiated. Its a quick no for me when vote time comes.


Got the T-Shirt
For a company that made $4.9 billion from $65+ billion in revenue last year, they can certainly offer more. But I’m just a package car driver, I really don’t know friend all about running a Fortune 500 company.

I like your observation.

Most of the vocal belligerent "vote no" people....

Their only argument is UPS made $5 billion last year. And that's where it ends.

Like somehow, that equates to being forced to hand it over to the hourly employees.



Well-Known Member
I like your observation.

Most of the vocal belligerent "vote no" people....

Their only argument is UPS made $5 billion last year. And that's where it ends.

Like somehow, that equates to being forced to hand it over to the hourly employees.

A 2% raise is laughable in 2018 with the economy how it is right now. Nobody is asking for 5 billion.