Tentative Agreement is now Available


Victory Ride
Looks like a yes for me.

Frankie's Friend

Thanks Leadbelly.
We don't need anymore trash on here than what we got now so let's have a little class with the union members.
Management is fair game if they want to fight but leave leadbelly out of this.

There's about 6000 canadians that kept the current folks in their jobs at the ibt so send them thank yous.

I know of one guy who is on the top of the negotiating committee and he is a great guy and works hard for the members.

This is just round one.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Unless 57+

Correct that language is a joke or am I reading it wrong (if you have 25 full time years in and under the age of 57) and for some medical or emergency reason decide to retire under the IBT/UPS formula you get less than a part timer for the same service years?

The part time (UPS Pension Plan) formula is wrong in the contract, read it 35 years X 60 = 2100 not 22.50 and they have professionals proof read these things. Also please read the fine print that extra 5 dollars starts in 2008 and not at your original seniority date. So all those part timers who have the time in you just got a 50 dollar a month bump on your pension benefits, full timers got a 500 increase under the IBT/UPS plan. We do not know about if there is any improvement with the retiree's Health and Welfare coverages, still thinking it will not change and be 300 dollars a month with spousal coverage.

I just scanned the agreement and it appears that an extra 50 cents per hour is going into the full timers Pension and Health and Welfare for a grand total of 1 dollar. The change I noticed is that part timers will only be getting an extra 30 cents into theirs? What that means besides saving the company contribution money I have no clue. Also the last two years of the contract the Health and Welfare plans if needed can get into your monetary pension increases if costs skyrocket.

The formula for the IBT/UPS plan for those with 20 years of service and 60 will not go up sit did from the last contract. It is stuck at 175 for the next five years. During the proposal talks in my local I asked that it would be stated in the Master the exact monetary contributions that would be going weekly into our Pension and Health and Welfare plans. It was done previous in past contracts clearly stated..Why isn't it now? Last I heard it is over 400 per full time employee in each (800+ total), a lot of money. Please before you vote research it out and decide if you are getting your money's worth with this contract.

We also have to see how UPS Freight and the Chicago locals are doing with their negotiations by the end of this week. I do not expect much from the supplements considering it would be the same people who negotiated this contract, hope to be pleasantly surprised but I am a realist and see this one as rehash 2013 or worst 1982.