

If that was you cursing your employess you'd be unemployed?? Are you management?? If so, You are wrong. I have seen cursing on both sides, no terminations...

Yep. I'm not crazy about dealing with the language issues unless its blatant grand standing type cursing. Most people use some type of what used to be considered profanity in their every day language.


Well-Known Member
Why is it so hard to teminate hourly employees?

Not so hard if the employee is trained per methods and procedures by management. Holding the employee accountable to the training, use discipline as noted in your contract, and hold yourself accountable to be fair to all employees.

Unfortunately, there are times when management react from their emotions, rather than using the contract to work with their employees. And times when the documentation is poorly done and does not support any action by management.

The contract is in place to ensure a fair days pay for a fair days work, simple as that.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to terminate employees because the IBT will fight for even the bigges bumb. .

And the lawyers will protect the biggest losers and the doctors will heal the biggest drug dealers and gang bangers, why? Because it is thier job and if not, they can have a lawsuit against them. If the guy is the " biggest bumb" the arbitrator is the one who makes the final descision. If he really screwed up, he is up sh@ts creek without a paddle regardless what lawyer or union he has behind him. Well except for OJ maybe.


I'd like to know,just out of curiosity,the % of drivers that get suspended or terminated and reinstated compared to the ones that dont ever get fired.Or suspended.I consider myself the ideal employee,yet when a certain center manager took over,
I was terminated after 12 years of service for too many accidents.They were silly little things that would not have occured if I had not been overdispatched,but this guy was
a freak and he loved to fire full time drivers.I had my job back
in 2 weeks and he made me feel like I owed them for giving me my job back.Theft is one thing,but an accident is what it is,sometimes the 10 point commentary and the 5 seeing habits wont help you...
so how many here have been fired before?


Well-Known Member
I got a warning letter once for 2 accidents in 2 years. And got a 72 hour return to work notice during the strike.


Retired 23 years
Why is it so hard to teminate hourly employees?
You have to be kidding. Apparently it isn't hard at all. I think darn near everyone at my old center has been terminated at one time or another. The hard part was keeping them terminated. After 9/11 when UPS went on a big security kick they were firing guys left and right for leaving vehicals running or doors unlocked. We had guys fired for not locking their bulkhead doors even though the rear doors were not lockable and most of the bulkhead doors had a hole big enough to reach through and pull the chain to unlock it. At that time we had to use a padlock with the chain on the rear doors but no one had padlocks that worked. Everyone was used to leaving their vehicals running in the winter (why not- when they rode with you they made you leave them running as they waited in the truck while you were trudging through the snow. Oh yes- those were simpler days. So fire me.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know,just out of curiosity,the % of drivers that get suspended or terminated and reinstated compared to the ones that dont ever get fired.Or suspended.I consider myself the ideal employee,yet when a certain center manager took over,
I was terminated after 12 years of service for too many accidents.They were silly little things that would not have occured if I had not been overdispatched,but this guy was
a freak and he loved to fire full time drivers.I had my job back
in 2 weeks and he made me feel like I owed them for giving me my job back.Theft is one thing,but an accident is what it is,sometimes the 10 point commentary and the 5 seeing habits wont help you...
so how many here have been fired before?

You consider yourself an ideal employee yet you can have accidents at will and call them silly little things and take no responsibility for them?? Hmmm.. If I were an employer and had an ideal employee like you who considers accidents trivial I might just FIRE you myself..

You probably only got your job back because you're a Union employee.

What the he-- does 12 years mean if you're running into everything??

Just curious where you're coming from..:thumbup1:

Peace brother!


Well-Known Member
I know of a driver who in about 1992 hit someone in the rear and they called it unavoidable. He is up for 20 years safe driving soon.