Well-Known Member
Re-Raise/Cementups: the problem with you and Re-Raise is that you aren't the arbitor's of "who's place" anything in this forum is or will be. The rookie wanted to know what to expect(your words) and nothing I've said hasn't happened. When that Ra-Ra attitude is examined a little, it looks somewhat different. The vaunted methods and Management(as you have pointed out) leave alot to be desired. Time studies and allowances....on and on. Working off the clock(what you are really doing) affects all your co-workers. You have to do it to "help you succeed in your career". Management expects it. Counts on it. You are part of the problem. As stunning and "baffeling" as that can be. I will retire. Soon enough. Trying to "kill the messenger" solves nothing. Delivering packages for real(vs. some shiny brochure or commercial) has a lot of aspects that aren't addressed by methods and allowances. I've talked about those very things. I didn't like that aspect of it and it's up to the rookie to decide if he does. Re-Raise: I'm glad you've discovered that there are indeed different types of people working at UPS.
I use " " when I am quoting someone. Who said "who's place" ,"help you succeed in your career", "baffeling"(sp) and "kill the messenger".
Nobody is telling this guy to work off the clock. He isn't even a driver yet. He asked what he could do that might help him as a new driver.
When I was a loader I made a mental note of how the routes were traced. Is that wrong in your mind.
Wow Did you tell them you would do the absolute minimum that you could get away with when they hired you?
I told them I could do whatever they threw at me and I meant it.