The Nim
How much longer would have you liked to have seen this go? Would you have been prepared to put your life and livelihood on hold to support your "brothers"?
The harsh reality is that the vast majority of Teamsters approved the master and their supplement and the IBT had the wisdom to see that the minority of Local 89 members who even bothered to vote were never going to be satisfied no matter what the company agreed to. The company no longer wanted to be in the healthcare field and the union saw the money-making potential of taking over the healthcare.
The IBT made the right move.
I understand the sentiment, but less than 40% of members voted, I wouldn't call that the vast majority. Personally I can go months without worrying, but I understand those in the PT workforce that can't. We weren't even close to striking, but 3 locals had issues that didn't have to do with healthcare, though they may have had issues with it as well, that were denied the due process of negation now.
I just don't see why the IBT couldn't have said we're going to institute the NMA since it was agreed upon, put forth the healthcare and other changes in the NMA and let the remaining locals negotiate longer.