I don't know about UPS policy today but when I was there the company would match our donations. There was a list of eligible charities but the list was so long that I don't think any charitable group was left out. I always gave to my favorite charity and UW just because!
But back then we used pen and paper to record deliveries and yes management would pressure us to give. I've got mugs and miniature package cars to prove it.
Sometimes us old guys got to speak up and say give and don't worry about whose name is on the check
Thank you for making this thread the home of your first post.
I made my pledge online today.
I split it two ways:
Tri-City Area United Way understands that you really want to make a difference right here in the
Marinette, Menominee, Oconto Tri-City Area. Campaign 2011 is gearing up with new activities.
We want to help you do that.
Brownmonster can attest to how poor the communities are in the Northwest Corner of Wisconsin.
My father was raised on a farm in Armstrong Creek, Wisconsin. Tri-City also takes care of Forest County.
This one is for you Daddy...
Aurora Visiting Nurse Association Hospice Program provides services in Milwaukee and throughout southeast Wisconsin and focus on a special way of caring for the person whose life expectancy is limited. Hospice affirms life and maintains the dignity of each individual we serve. The philosophy of hospice focuses on maintaining the quality of life by keeping patients pain-free and comfortable while providing for spiritual, emotional, social and physical needs.
Hospice is a concept of care, not a place of care
A special way of caring...
Hospice offers a wide range of services to benefit the terminally ill patient and his/her family. We understand the care needed by people with many life-limiting conditions such as cancer, end-stage heart, lung, liver or kidney disease, AIDS, end-stage Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Our team includes physicians, nurses, social workers, clergy, aides and highly trained volunteers, and we work together with the patient and family to develop a treatment plan.
Hospice develops and institutes a plan of care to help patients and families maintain control over their lives by keeping them physically and emotionally supported and comfortable. Hospice enhances the quality of life and enables patients to live the final days of their lives with dignity, purpose and peace.