United Way force donations coming soon for 2011.



I really didn't want to touch this thread but here I go. I will not say whether or not I donate to united way via ups and if I do how much I give.

But I took an excerpt from wikipedia on aggressive panhandling. See how many of the criteria apply to the way ups/united way conducts its campaign. You be the judge:

Aggressive panhandling

The definition of so called "Aggressive panhandling" may vary. In the USA, aggressive panhandling generally involves the solicitation of donations in an intimidating or intrusive manner. Examples may include:

Soliciting near ATM banking machines.[4]

Soliciting from customers inside a store or restaurant.

Placing an item (like a pack of bubble gum) next to a written sob story, offering the item as a gift, and asking for a contribution.

Extending the head and both arms, or even the hand, into a car window to solicit.
Soliciting after dark.[4]

Approaching individuals from behind, as they are exiting their vehicles, to solicit.

Soliciting in a loud voice, often accompanied with wild gesticulations.[4]

The use of insults, profanity, or veiled threats.

Refusing to take "No" for an answer or following an individual.[4]

Demanding more money after a donation has been given.

Invasion of personal space, cornering, blocking or inappropriate touching.[4]

A "team" of several beggars approaching an individual at once, often surrounding the person.

"Camping out" in a spot where begging negatively influences some other business (such as in front of a store or restaurant) in the hope that the business owner will give money to make the beggar go away.

Use of sales pitch techniques and appeals to emotion.
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I really didn't want to touch this thread but here I go. I will not say whether or not I donate to united way via ups and if I do how much I give.

But I took an excerpt from wikipedia on aggressive panhandling. See how many of the criteria apply to the way ups/united way conducts its campaign. You be the judge:

Depends on the center manager. They all have had different styles.

The most aggressive , at least half on that list.


Well, to be fair , I can say UPS/United Way "soliciting near ATM banking machines" has never occurred in my presence. :wink2:


There are thousands of charities out there. Who is trying to stop who from donating? I could care less where people put their money. However, as a UPS manager, you are in a unique position of basically being forced into donating to the UW and also strongarming your employees of doing the same to meet some ill-advised quota. So your opinion is not at all genuine, whether you want to admit that or not.

The only person making me give is my father in law who died of ALS. I am hell bent and determined to make sure you and others here never have to experience what he experienced.

why would you try to discredit my giving by trying to say that someone at ups is making me give?

why would you try' to make such a post and undermine my efforts to make sure no one ever dies of that disease again?


I started this.
Staff member
why would you brag about choosing to not help those out in need. I just don't get the selfish spiteful mentality of posters here.

I never express an opinion on most of this stuff but I have to agree with you on this one tie.

Donate through UPS, or don't. It's your personal choice. Boasting in public that you never donate to any charity seems very odd to me... I'm not refering to anything any individual person has said in this thread, it's just that never donating to charity is not something that anyone should be proud of.


The only person making me give is my father in law who died of ALS. I am hell bent and determined to make sure you and others here never have to experience what he experienced.

why would you try to discredit my giving by trying to say that someone at ups is making me give?

why would you try' to make such a post and undermine my efforts to make sure no one ever dies of that disease again?

Again, I am not standing in yours or anyones way of donating. However, there are more legitimate and certainly more "focused" charities than the UW when it comes to donating money to helping cure ALS.

You cannot admit without bias your reasons for choosing the UW, however given that 7 supervisors or managers have all attempted to strongarm me into donating in one way or another in the last 10 years I would say that is not a coincidence or anomaly.

Don't try to spin this as me being the bad guy for voicing facts on here. You chose the UW however cannot admit the real reasons for doing so. This isn't UPS, and you don't need to spin this issue.


Again, I am not standing in yours or anyones way of donating. However, there are more legitimate and certainly more "focused" charities than the UW when it comes to donating money to helping cure ALS.

You cannot admit without bias your reasons for choosing the UW, however given that 7 supervisors or managers have all attempted to strongarm me into donating in one way or another in the last 10 years I would say that is not a coincidence or anomaly.

Don't try to spin this as me being the bad guy for voicing facts on here. You chose the UW however cannot admit the real reasons for doing so. This isn't UPS, and you don't need to spin this issue.

If you're going to accuse me of spin then at least spin united way correctly. Its a vehicle to help those charities not a charity in itself.

If you have no problem with my pushing the use of united way to support those charities then why are you working to undermine the support of those legitimate charities through the united way.

If you really have no problem then your answer should be a simple one. Folks if you need an easy way to donate to your favorite charity then take advantage of the united way.

The money I encourage someone to donate to their charity through united way will help someone that needs it.

whats wrong with that?

whether or you think united way is the best at raising funds for those charities or not they are out there and they are pretty good at what they do.

why fight that?

I just don't understand why someone would hurt that starving kid , or aging citizen or person afflicted with some terrible disease just to spite their boss.

And then to come on this site and brag about it?


Well-Known Member
Of all the crazy things said on this thread why would a guy like tourist only get offended at the cheap and selfish labels?
Im not speaking of all the crazy things said on this thread but I can answer why I get offended at the cheap and selfish label. Its because that label is given simply because someone like myself who may want to give to charity, only in their own way on their own terms; NOT UPS'. I have no problem giving to charities but hate the way UPS goes about their campaign. Tie, the story about your father is touching and I can see why you passion is what it is. Heck I may have even found a new charitable cause. But will you be offended if I give to that charity directly? Not through UPS? That is my onlly beef with being labeled cheap or selfish.


If you're going to accuse me of spin then at least spin united way correctly. Its a vehicle to help those charities not a charity in itself.

If you have no problem with my pushing the use of united way to support those charities then why are you working to undermine the support of those legitimate charities through the united way.

If you really have no problem then your answer should be a simple one. Folks if you need an easy way to donate to your favorite charity then take advantage of the united way.

The money I encourage someone to donate to their charity through united way will help someone that needs it.

whats wrong with that?

whether or you think united way is the best at raising funds for those charities or not they are out there and they are pretty good at what they do.

why fight that?

I just don't understand why someone would hurt that starving kid , or aging citizen or person afflicted with some terrible disease just to spite their boss.

And then to come on this site and brag about it?

I don't know why someone would want to brag about it other than UPS is a sketchy, bully of a company and it deserves it? Spiting the boss is NOT the issue; they have a quota to make and just like every other number or "goal" they need to achieve, have proven they will do whatever to make it whether legitimately or dishonestly. The boss that is selling the UW is not the problem, it's higher up the food chain (like most everything else) that is the actual problem.


Age quod agis
I am proud... I can contribute to the United Way.
I am blessed... I am able to give to the United Way.

Not forced.

I never solicit co-workers for sponsorship. I participate in fund raising activities for various organizations.
I never direct anyone to online pledge centers under my name for donations.

I walk, I run and I ride my bike.
I always have and as long as I have the gift of mobility...I will.

The difference is since 2006... I became...someone that benefits from the efforts of others.
I never thought I would become one of those "people" ...

Now, I do what I do because I still CAN DO IT.

Subscribing to current logic...I waste my precious money by donating to the United Way.
All my money should go directly to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Blessed...not forced.

I go to bed knowing MS is unpredictable. I may not walk in the morning.

The MS Society works towards a cure...The United Way supports agencies that will make it possible for me to make it to work.

I walk, run and ride my bike for a cure.
I give to the United Way because I CAN.

Don't judge.
I am passionate in my support of the United Way.

I won't judge you.
Give or don't give.

I pray I never need the assistance of a United Way supported agency for mobility issues.
I know the agencies will be there for me - even if I don't give.
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Well-Known Member
Well put Tie. That's what it is all about. If Johnny Union was walking around asking for these donations, people would be emptying their wallets. It's always about management with these people. It's very telling, they would rather someone in need suffer just to prove a point to management..
Its not about the money socks it s about the way mgnt makes the approach.You can't sit there and tell me you have'nt tried ever dumb tactic to try and get more.Maybe just ask once and except the answer and move on.And belive me we all suffer everyday having to deal with sups like yourself.


Age quod agis
I don't know why someone would want to brag about it other than UPS is a sketchy, bully of a company and it deserves it?.

Harley Davidson brags about supporting MDA.
The NFL brags about the United Way and even supports commercials for the UW.
How many companies have jumped on the "pink ribbon"?

Don't isolate UPS as the only company that BRAGS about supporting an organization


Age quod agis
Its not about the money socks it s about the way mgnt makes the approach.You can't sit there and tell me you have'nt tried ever dumb tactic to try and get more.Maybe just ask once and except the answer and move on.And belive me we all suffer everyday having to deal with sups like yourself.

Then why not pledge a DOLLAR.
Making a pledge of ONE DOLLAR is more insulting than not giving at all.

Ask any waitress/waiter.
She/he will tell you that a dollar tip on a $40.00 meal is insulting.
She/ he will tell you that a dollar is a kick in the teeth when it is obvious the customer could have left a bigger tip.

Go up to a supervisor and pledge a dollar while drinking from your five dollar expresso from Starbucks.
That sends a bigger message than pledging nothing and stops the harassment.

Simple...just look at the Sup and say... "What more do you want..I gave a dollar to your precious UW. Leave me alone while I enjoy my (expensive) expresso." Walk away and slowly turn around and say..."You should try one of these...(sip, sip)..it is good.."

What can they say after that? You did what was asked of you.


Harley Davidson brags about supporting MDA.
The NFL brags about the United Way and even supports commercials for the UW.
How many companies have jumped on the "pink ribbon"?

Don't isolate UPS as the only company that BRAGS about supporting an organization

When did I isolate UPS as the only company tied with UW or other charitable agenices? Now you are just spinning things out of control.
I work for UPS, Tie is apparently a manager at UPS.
The conversation was about the bullying and downright unfair practices management uses to extract money (including dishonesty) from hourlies and make their UW quota handed down from higher ups.
If you want to change the topic, go ahead, but leave me out of it.
This has nothing to do with Harleys, NFL, or any of that.


Age quod agis
I don't know why someone would want to brag about it other than UPS is a sketchy, bully of a company and it deserves it? Spiting the boss is NOT the issue; they have a quota to make and just like every other number or "goal" they need to achieve, have proven they will do whatever to make it whether legitimately or dishonestly. The boss that is selling the UW is not the problem, it's higher up the food chain (like most everything else) that is the actual problem.

I read the first sentence as follows: UPS likes to brag about the UW and because UPS is a sketchy bully they deserve it.

I apologize if it appeared to be an attack.


Im not speaking of all the crazy things said on this thread but I can answer why I get offended at the cheap and selfish label. Its because that label is given simply because someone like myself who may want to give to charity, only in their own way on their own terms; NOT UPS'. I have no problem giving to charities but hate the way UPS goes about their campaign. Tie, the story about your father is touching and I can see why you passion is what it is. Heck I may have even found a new charitable cause. But will you be offended if I give to that charity directly? Not through UPS? That is my onlly beef with being labeled cheap or selfish.

I think you don't get offended if you have no reason to be offended.

if you're going to be selectively offended then why not be offended on behalf of humanity? Why not be offended in the hopes of making this world a better place?

I have no time to be offended on behalf of the cheap and selfish I have so many people out there that really need our help.