I CHOOSE not to give to UW. That's my choice!
My problem is the person asking can't take no for an answer.
I've had a followup by a manager, I've been told the donation the person asking goes entirely to their church, etc. etc.
(Maybe she fails to understand UW takes a "processing fee" or whatever they want to call it before the donation is sent to her church.
(Hey, they gotta pay that retirement package noted above.)
If I put money in the basket at church the ENTIRE AMOUNT goes to the church!
If I put money in the Salvation Army kettle at Christmas it's ANONYMOUS and the entire amount goes to the Sally.
That's the way I choose to donate.
If you choose to donate fine, if you choose to donate your time or some other way, fine, that's your choice. If you choose to donate elsewhere, all well and good. If you choose to keep your money, (charity begins at home), that's your business.
Whether I choose to donate to UW, The Salvation Army, The Church of whatever, Buddha, or abused children, (a checkoff on my state income tax return), or just keep my money, it's my business.