The managers and sups trying to wring out UW contributions are in essence the door to door salesmen you see trying to extract money with the woe-is-me sales pitch. I close the door as quickly as I open it.
on your second point. I know ups can be overzealous with fund raising and I don't approve of their tactics in all cases. My point to steve and tourist and others here is when you decide your going to be offended which of these two options will you choose:
a) ups for being overzealous in helping the poor , afflicted , disease affected and otherwise needy members of our community
b) the posters here who basically brag that they would let some kid starve on the streets in order to spite management.
why is it that A posters here catch the grief while the B posters make their idiotic statements unscathed?
The managers and sups trying to wring out UW contributions are in essence the door to door salesmen you see trying to extract money with the woe-is-me sales pitch. I close the door as quickly as I open it.
Because we live in the UNITED STATES and the last time I looked B.C was not in control of my freedom of speechIt is and you need to comply with the TOS... BC is alot like UPS, all you have to do is follow the rules.. Why do you have so much trouble following the rules??
Because we live in the UNITED STATES and the last time I looked B.C was not in control of my freedom of speech
So what you are saying is if everyone gave directly to their desired charity and not through Untied Way I might get my 401(k) back?![]()
i am sick of all the management personal who are on this thread calling everybody cheap and shelfish because the don't give through the united way. first of all it is nobodys business if a person wants to give their money or hoard it like scrooge mcduck. and last but not least you management personal have no clue what people do when they are not at work and again it is none of your business.
another example of selective anger.
Are you talking about the 401k match for mgt?
First of all that lady mrs. king should be ashamed of her self for taking from charity.And second the teamsters ARE NOT A CHARITY I fail to see the how they are both alike.united way has had their problems over the years. the teamsters have definitely had theirs. The list of teamster corruption is definitely longer. hell Hoffa junior is the first teamster president to not get indicted for something. Yet I don't see anyone here saying to withhold their union dues. I don't see anyone here saying to not support the teamsters. Don't see anyone here trying to discourage people from joining the teamsters.
85 to 87 percent of my donation plus the 15 percent ups tacks on is going to help fight some terrible neuro muscular diseases.
its going to help provide special services to those who get these diseases.
whats wrong with that?
Why would anyone here possibly continue to make posts here to try to stop me from doing something so worthwhile?
I never express an opinion on most of this stuff but I have to agree with you on this one tie.
Donate through UPS, or don't. It's your personal choice. Boasting in public that you never donate to any charity seems very odd to me... I'm not refering to anything any individual person has said in this thread, it's just that never donating to charity is not something that anyone should be proud of.
They get a nice big fat write off for giving to charity.Good point. By not giving you save them 15%. For all those that think the company gains something by your donation, it actually costs them 15%. If you really hate the company, give lots of money.
The billion dollars given by UPS and UPSer over the years actually cost the company more than $150 million in profit.
I often question the motive behind the drive, but I'm sure what ever recognition or pay back they get can't be financially worth $150 million.
NOT anger just pure fustration with what you have to deal with when giving to the united way through ups.Tie I understand that the U.W does alot but don't you think people who make donations should have there money go where they choose.You know as well as I know that this companys tatics are wrong,why should you feel afraid of giving it should be a joyess occasion you should feel happy filling out that card,not feel like you going to be retaliated on.If the United way ever knew what this company doe's to it's employees to get a donation they would be embarrassed.another example of selective anger.
their is nothing selective about it.
the u.s. Constitution:
amendment i
congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
u.s. Citizens have the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want: On their own property in accordance with the laws of the land. The constitution does not say that a privately owned website must guarantee that members can say whatever they want on the forum. It simply states that congress must not abridge the freedom of speech.
This website is privately owned and not controlled by congress. As the owner / admin of this site i have the right and responsibility to create, establish, maintain rules that best fit the community and edit, ban, disable the account and or remove the posts of anyone participating here who does not follow the website terms of service (tos).
The terms of service aren't there to keep anyone from expressing their opinion. They are there to encourage intelligent conversation and suppress name calling, offensive content and flaming.
I would love to see you sit some starving kid down and tell him you will not be helping him so you can screw the boss over because the boss is too aggressive in trying to get the kid fed.
your anger is very misguided very selfish, very cheap and very twisted.