Tie, I generally respect and read almost everyone one of your posts. BUT, I think you are way off base here. People will give to their favorite charities if it is important to them. I honestly think if it is important enough for someone to dictate which charity their UW money goes to, they would give to that charity either way.
You make a valid point here but I do have to agree with Tie on this one. We all lead hectic lives and may forget to send that monthly check. By having your donation deducted from your paycheck you don't have to worry about this. I also find that I am able to donate more through payroll deduction than if I were asked to donate in a lump sum.
The biggest problem I have with giving to United Way is they have to take their administrative cut before giving the money to the charity. I wish I knew what the cut was though. For example, I give $100 to United Way and it is designated to support a homeless youth program in my area, how much makes it to the homeless youth program? $95 dollars, $80 dollars? If I give the $100 directly to the homeless youth program, I know they get all $100 of my donation.
UPS matches 15 cents on the dollar which I have been told roughly covers the administrative costs. If you pledge $100 your charity gets $100.
Anyways I do think peoples resentment comes from the fact they feel like it is shoved down their throat, and how personally offended people who support United Way get if you don't participate in a fund raiser or UW activity.
Pledge online through upsers and you won't have to deal with that crap. This may sound like BS but I have never been subjected to any of this in my 21 years. It was a different story when I was in the military as 100% participation was expected.