Vaccine mandate


Well-Known Member
Another conspiracy theorist. I don't trust the Government. but I believe in science. Apparently you don't.
Science has become religion. Easily just as bought out. You can resort to name calling and labeling me into a box (as outlined in my first post here) all you want. I’m not really into arguing about it. You don’t see it, that’s totally cool. Participate in the reality the way you see fit. I will do the same. It’s unfortunate though, that I could lose my job for literally changing nothing and doing nothing differently than the past 2 years.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
What do you mean? You might as well ask what color sweater I will wear on my next trip to Mars? There's no point in answering that question, it has no basis in reality. Like your fantasy about a "few hold outs". How'd your survey turn out?
I didn't realize I was talking to one of the tin foil hat people. Your next trip to Mars huh? O Kay.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Ok, I finally stopped laughing. I'm about to educate you on how things work. Feel free to forward me some cash on paypal.

No, I expect them to hire lawyers to explain the law to them and the liability the expose themselves to by breaking it. Several states have laws against practicing medicine without a license, businesses are practicing medicine by ordering employees to get vaccinated. Even doctors can't force you to follow their medical advice. Most companies are not covered entities under HIPAA, so the privacy rule under HIPAA affirms our right to medical privacy from our employers. The ADA also protects our right to bodily autonomy free from interference from employers and the government. Invasion of privacy is a common law tort. Forced vaccination and testing constitute conspiracy to commit battery and coercion. 42 USC 1985 makes it a civil violation to conspire against any of a person's rights affirmed by law, statute, or constitutional amendment. 28 USC 241 makes the above a criminal offense. 42 USC 1983 makes makes it a civil violation to cooperate with the government in depriving people of rights. 28 USC 242 makes the above a criminal offense. Title 7 makes it a civil violation to discriminate against people for sincerely held beliefs, as confirmed by the EEOC. The Religious Freedom Restoration act makes the above a criminal offense. If a box slinger like me knows all that, lawyers with fancy degrees should know that as well.

I expect a competent private company to consult with the attorneys they hired so they will know they stand to lose much more to law suits from employees than they'll ever have to pay in unenforceable, fantasy fines issued by an administrative agency that has never had the authority to establish any such fantasy mandates, and certainly can not be made to do so by the executive branch as a means of unconstitutionally bypassing the legislative process. Especially when any such unconstitutional laws that might be passed by the legislative branch must be ignored, even before the courts adjudicate them, as established by legal precedent.

According to you, a private company has no way to determine what the law is, how can they follow it?

If you don't want to strike you can find a job at a non-unionized company. If a company wants to take advantage of, and profit from, the economic conditions of a free society, they have to accept that their employees have rights, and not violate those rights. If they don't like operating in a free society, they can set up shop in China and allow themselves to be run by the CCP. That sword cuts both ways.

I have the right to continue working at the job I've been performing for over 14 years without interference from the government. The company violating my rights to follow a fake "mandate" exposes itself to liability. Every company should want to defy unconstitutional actions by the government, it will cost them less in the long run.

For enforcing a fake mandate that the government itself can't enforce? Yes. If I'm insane It's only evidenced by the fact that I voluntarily engage with people who are, themselves, insane. I don't expect to actually get through, though, and do it as an exercise in logic and reasoning, so at least I get something out of it.

I also have the right to stay in the job that was offered to me and I've been doing for 14 years, the last almost two of which have been during a pandemic, which I was offered without the requirement of being vaccinated. If they told me 14 years ago they would be trampling on my rights, I would have selected a different career, and built up benefits there, not starting from scratch 14 years later. If you don't want to strike you are free to go get a non-union job.

Mandates aren't a legal reality. They are, by definition, pretend. The 5th circuit has already enjoined the pretend mandates.

Who do you think is challenging the pretend mandates in court? The more businesses that defy the pretend mandates the less they expose themselves to real liability for violating real rights of their employees.

You don't understand what emergency injunctive relief is, do you? Of course not, otherwise you wouldn't have written the above question and revealed that you don't know what that means.

The union negotiates over work conditions. The company becoming an unconstitutional enforcement arm of the executive branch and coercing employees to submit to medical battery is a mandatory subject of bargaining.

Mandates are pretend, no need to wait for the courts to weigh in. Laws that are unconstitutional are void and must be ignored, whether a court has adjudicated or not. Marbury v Madison.

We aren't talking about laws. We are talking about pretend mandates. See above for unconstitutional law.

Doubling down on your ignorance? Cool.

They can easily be used to stand up to the government. We have the duty to do anything we can to resist totalitarian usurpation of our powers and rights. You're a jelly fish.

How's that working in Massachusettes, Ireland, Iceland, Isreal, etc? I'll give you a hint. It's not good. And It's not my opinion, many people did get the pretend vaccine to pretend to get back rights they pretended to have to give up to begin with. That's a statement of indisputable fact.

I said more people, not you. Thanks for the anecdote, though.

I don't know about those things, would you care to tell me more? Is Bill Gates in the room with you now? All I know that's happening is just illegal, totalitarian overreach of the illegitimate government into our personal decisions. I realize you are ok with that, you can move to China where that stuff is culturally acceptable. Your kowtowing to dictatorship is not welcome here.

Yes, that right decision. You and UPS can move to China if you don't like rights and freedom. It is up to the Union to strike a change in working conditions based on pretend mandates without bargaining. If you don't like striking, you are free to get a non-union job. Or better yet, move to China and work shoulder to shoulder in slave camps with the Uyghurs until the CCP wants to harvest your organs.

Yes, fight the government to keep them from forcing UPS to expose themselves to civil and criminal liability for following a pretend mandate. The company will have to declare bankruptcy to avoid paying the judgments.

Mandates aren't laws. I realize you and the other 30% of the population on the low end of the IQ scale don't understand the difference. If you like mandates, sign up on grindr or move to China.

To avoid bankruptcy from law suit judgments.

You're a jelly fish, a Chinese dictatorhip loving jelly fish.

The federal government is pretending to issue a fake mandate. If UPS enforces it, they will end up going bankrupt due to law suit judgments.

I've never taken a drug test for UPS. I'm not surprised that you've taken so many you think the government requires them. You are clearly on something. You should try to hide it better so they will stop testing you all the time.

DOT physicals don't require that I inject poorly tested, improperly approved, foreign substances into my body. Plus, the DOT physical requirement was there when I accepted the job, so I do them with consent. And I've never heard of anyone dying as a result of a DOT physical.

Hope this all helps. I'm sure you're too deep in your ignorant delusions for any of this to have an impact.
I’ll gladly strike over this! I’m ignorant to the process though. How does it work? Does the union tell us if we strike or not? Because our business agent seemed to be on the side of the company last we spoke.


I'm a star
I’ll gladly strike over this! I’m ignorant to the process though. How does it work? Does the union tell us if we strike or not? Because our business agent seemed to be on the side of the company last we spoke.

Many BA's are on the company's side. The union will not call for a strike, unless they realize they will have thousands of members out of work who will all be withdrawing their lump sums from their pensions, collapsing the pensions. But union officials aren't very proactive about protecting the pensions. They'll sell the left over UPS employees down the river to get UPS to bail out the pensions.


I'm a star
I’ll gladly strike over this! I’m ignorant to the process though. How does it work? Does the union tell us if we strike or not? Because our business agent seemed to be on the side of the company last we spoke.

I should clarify, I am only stirring the pot with the strike talk. I'm prepared for a strike, like every good union member should be. But all of these people telling us to "just get the shot", are far more afraid of striking than they are of covid. They know they can't survive without this job, so they are projecting their insecurities on to others to try to shame them into compliance. It would be funny, if it weren't so sad. They keep up their nonsense, so I keep antagonizing them. If they realized that making the company think you are ready for a strike is the best way to avoid having to strike, there would be no problem. But they keep tipping their hands, because they don't understand strategy.


My job is fun
Many BA's are on the company's side. The union will not call for a strike, unless they realize they will have thousands of members out of work who will all be withdrawing their lump sums from their pensions, collapsing the pensions. But union officials aren't very proactive about protecting the pensions. They'll sell the left over UPS employees down the river to get UPS to bail out the pensions.
There won’t be thousands of members out of work. There are trucks and boats to be paid for.


Well-Known Member
Scabs with jabs, that's got a nice ring to it. We'll get the 2% of you line crossers neon yellow shirts with that phrase on it so you'll be easy to track. You'll be pretty lonely after being expelled from the union.

Neither slate supports striking over the vaccine. It's not going to happen. If it happens it would be a wildcat strike and you would likely lose your job over it.