Vaccine mandate

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
It’s pretty funny that you actually believe that.
It’s not a belief, it’s a fact! What is funny however is that you think I have to get vaccinated to keep you safe just because you want to go on and live an unhealthy life full of alcohol tobacco and fatty foods. Especially when vaccines don’t work for colds, like science has already proven time, and time again. At no time in the history of the world have we ever quarantined the healthy to save the unhealthy. Ever. This world owes you nothing! The sooner you understand that the sooner you will grow into adulthood. Good luck!

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
There’s a shocker! Every vaccine ever made is surrounded by controversy if you actually take the time to research and learn instead of just hearing the same old “safe and effective” baloney from our doctors. All our childhood vaccines are like the covid shot. They all cause problems in some individuals and it’s not right to force people to take them against their will. But they just keep saying that the good out ways the bad, well, not when it’s my child!

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
It’s not a belief, it’s a fact!

You a driver? You want to be a driver? You have insurance? If you think nobody but your doctor has your health information, you’re delusional.

What is funny however is that you think I have to get vaccinated to keep you safe just because you want to go on and live an unhealthy life full of alcohol tobacco and fatty foods.

Never said you have to get vaccinated. As a matter of fact, I actually said nobody should be forced to get vaccinated.

Try and pay attention. I know it’s difficult, but give it that old college try.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
There’s a shocker! Every vaccine ever made is surrounded by controversy if you actually take the time to research and learn instead of just hearing the same old “safe and effective” baloney from our doctors. All our childhood vaccines are like the covid shot. They all cause problems in some individuals and it’s not right to force people to take them against their will. But they just keep saying that the good out ways the bad, well, not when it’s my child!

Every drug or medicine has adverse side effects. Some mild, some more severe.

So should we stop taking medicine altogether?

Risk/reward. Do the benefits out way the risks? You make your choice, I’ll make mine.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Yep, there is another option. See you on the picket line Union Brother.

You are now sounding like a broken record. strike…strike…strike…

If this was about you being forced to get vaccinated, I might entertain the idea.

You’re not being forced. If you don’t want to stick a cotton swab up your nose, well, you’re on your own.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
@sailfish, do you disagree that nobody is forcing you to get vaccinated or do you disagree that there is another option?

I don’t get it.
It's not an "option" when the alternative is another "option". It's coercion and extortion either way. They'd likely try making the test on your own time and dime to boot. Meanwhile people with the fake vax who can still contract and spread the virus are for some reason exempt from the test. The whole thing is :censored2:ing stupid. You accept one thing, and it's just gonna snowball out of control. You can't comply your way out of this one.

That and I just like passing out downthumbs.
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Well-Known Member

Back From Break
It's not an "option" when the alternative is another "option". It's coercion and extortion either way. They'd likely try making the test on your own time and dime to boot. Meanwhile people with the fake vax who can still contract and spread the virus are for some reason exempt from the test. The whole thing is :censored2:ing stupid. You accept one thing, and it's just gonna snowball out of control. You can't comply your way out of this one.

That and I just like passing out downthumbs.

Fair enough. I didn’t post my opinion of the other option, I just stated there is another option.

I thought maybe you disagreed that there was another option.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Stop talking about striking. It’s ridiculous.

The mandate is never even going to happen. Haha!

It is just the incompetent Biden administration passing the blame to the general public for the COVID deaths when the second wave it’s the US borders. That and blaming Trump might help their mid terms chances.

I can hear him now, “I told them and they didn’t listen, ain’t my fault” when this mandate collapses because of previous statements by his Vice President about ”Trump’s” vaccines when they were campaigning.