Vaccine mandate

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
You do realize that most are only against this one vaccine?


Sure, be against a vaccine that saves lives, millions of lives.


Non liberal

Well-Known Member
That's not the issue.

The issue is that the few who do go public need findings to prove their claims. They either cannot find proof, or they make them up. It is just their opinion about vaccines. They have nothing to back it up except conjecture.

Case in point, the 1998 Lancet Paper that implied an Autism link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, you know the one that people still falsely cite to "say" there is a link, was retracted by the author after it was proven that he was not only incorrect, but he was fraudulent.

Those against vaccines, like the ones you are talking about, have no medical or scientific evidence to support their recommendation. They don't go public because they will be proven as quacks.

If they had true medical or scientific evidence to support their claims, they would not hide in the shadows. They "think" there may be some issues, so they recommend against vaccines, hoping that their patient, your child, does not fall into the "low kill rate."

The odds are that it won't be your child that dies....but what if it is? I am not willing to risk my children's life on a gamble, hoping that my children are not the ones that will die because their immune system cannot beat the disease.

The anti-vaxxers are still as of today trying to find a link between Autism and vaccines to vindicate themselves. They still cannot find one. You know why?

No, you choose to agree with 1 person that shares their opinion, an opinion that you "think" is most sensible.

I usually lean toward the majority. If 99% of the Doctors and Scientists agree, and only 1% disagree...well, make your own choice. Put your children's lives at risk by letting "their" immune system fight these childhood diseases, instead of vaccines. But, that's right, you're fine with a "lower" kill rate, as opposed to a "no" kill rate.

You called it what? A rite of passage?
well, human beings have been here on earth for a lot longer then vaccines. How on earth did we ever survive? You don’t give your immune system enough credit. And I’m sorry to say vaccines do not have a”no” kill rate. The flu vaccine alone killed 78 people last year. COVID-19 vaccine has killed 17000 people. What the hell are you talking about? And yes, measles used to be thought of as a right of passage, meaning everyone went through it in childhood and after you got over it, you had lifetime immunity, which you don’t get from the magical elixir. Yes, there is a small amount of danger to some of these diseases, but they are not as bad as the pharmaceutical industry has trained the doctors to make them out to be. I would rather take the chance with the disease then inject anything into my child that would possibly ruin them for life or kill them. That is my choice, and for the research I have done, it is the right one. And the link between autism and vaccines is simple; the parents that say their kids were normal untill they got the vaccine, and then forever changed a few days after, is more then enough evidence to me. Especially when the medical system won’t even give the vaccines a second look. It’s real easy, do a vaxxed vs unvaxxed study, and that will shut the whole antivaxxer movement down. But they won’t, because, in their words “that would be unethical”well I’ll volunteer my kids any day of the week and twice on Sunday!!

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
So the working men and woman are of no consequence? Only the jobs.
To the union, yes
I'm glad. Your kids are also in the majority of the outcome without being vaccinated. But, there are still too many preventable deaths because of people like you.

What changed since 1980? Over 2 million people died of measles in 1980. That figure is what, 50,000 today. Measles deaths dropped 73% between 2000 and 2018 worldwide.

Again, what happened to cause that decrease? I'll help you out. A vaccine.

Measles death rate has also been on the rise? Why? I'll help you out. People like you who refuse to vaccinate their children. The Anti-Vaxxers.

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well, I know what happened in 1986. Ronald Reagan signed a law that said vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for vaccine injuries. See they are so dangerous they were heading toward bankruptcy from all the lawsuits, so they told the government they were going to stop making them. And measles dropped 73% from 2000 to 2018? Well mmr vaccine was around since the sixties, why did the rate start dropping in 2000? Doesn’t make much sense. I mean with all this measles death it’s a miracle that anyone had any parents or older family members at all, except nobody I know ever had anyone they know die of the measles. Once we learned how to treat it (high dose vitamin A) it really became and still is a nothing burger.


Well-Known Member
What did everyone talk about before this? When you realize this division is becomes easier to snap out of this hell hole of a loop everyone argues in. I'm with everyone against these shots, mandates, and the whole agenda, but trying to talk these people out of it is 100% a lost cause. They are gone mentally. Choosing to participate in a reality where they not only get to be the "hero" (by getting vaxxed and trying to bully others into it as well), but also the "victim" (oh I can't come to work today, this little Q tip says I have coofid. Believe me, if I could, I would). Its theater. All of it.


Well-Known Member
What did everyone talk about before this? When you realize this division is becomes easier to snap out of this hell hole of a loop everyone argues in. I'm with everyone against these shots, mandates, and the whole agenda, but trying to talk these people out of it is 100% a lost cause. They are gone mentally. Choosing to participate in a reality where they not only get to be the "hero" (by getting vaxxed and trying to bully others into it as well), but also the "victim" (oh I can't come to work today, this little Q tip says I have coofid. Believe me, if I could, I would). Its theater. All of it.
I know, I'm ready to settle this thing once and for all with these people. I wish Trump wouldn't have allowed the election to be stolen from him because the only person crossing the rubicon now is Joe Biden. It was either him or Joe. He let Joe cross it. Very sad. Maybe we can get a national divorce and a peaceful separation, but the other side wants to quite literally genocide me for not vaccinating myself and my family, so I guess time will tell.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
To the union, yes

well, I know what happened in 1986. Ronald Reagan signed a law that said vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for vaccine injuries. See they are so dangerous they were heading toward bankruptcy from all the lawsuits, so they told the government they were going to stop making them. And measles dropped 73% from 2000 to 2018? Well mmr vaccine was around since the sixties, why did the rate start dropping in 2000? Doesn’t make much sense. I mean with all this measles death it’s a miracle that anyone had any parents or older family members at all, except nobody I know ever had anyone they know die of the measles. Once we learned how to treat it (high dose vitamin A) it really became and still is a nothing burger.
It’s the potential high fever that kills with measles. I had the mumps when I was about 5 or 6. No vaccine then.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
It’s the potential high fever that kills with measles. I had the mumps when I was about 5 or 6. No vaccine then.
I hear what your saying, and for the one person out of 300,000 that is true. But for the bulk of the people it is a trivial disease. If you look on the Vaers website you’ll see there are many more issues with the vaccine then the virus ever presented. And according to a Harvard study there are 10 times the issues that never get reported. So take the vaers numbers and multiply them by ten.