Vaccine mandate


Henry Swanson's my name, and excitement's my game.
Ok. I estimate 30% are not vaccinated. Ups will not pay for weekly testing. Nor vaccinations.

So, we lose 30% of our workforce. Then what?

UPS will be fined $14.5k per violation.
You are acting like this is a done deal.Wait for the decision then you can speculate.I believe 30 percent is low I would say closer to 40 percent.(Think of all the people of color working inside the buildings)

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You are acting like this is a done deal.Wait for the decision then you can speculate.I believe 30 percent is low I would say closer to 40 percent.(Think of all the people of color working inside the buildings)
I don't disagree mostly.

I was thinking mainly of the black folks...they seem to be the most frightened or militant or whatever the problem is...

Just based on how things seem too ObamaCare....Judge Roberts let that go through.

I'm betting the mandates will stand. I hope not.


Well-Known Member
The mRNA components.

You seem to be making a weird religious argument.

This is how it used to be when you opposed the Church publicly, but all we asked was no public degeneracy or blaspheming. The world has inverted Christian morality and they rule just like we did, with shaming and punishments for not following their religious sacraments like masking and jabbing.

Only difference is obeying Christian morality gets you to heaven and provides you with a happy life. Not sure what the jabs get you.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I estimate 30% are not vaccinated. Ups will not pay for weekly testing. Nor vaccinations.

So, we lose 30% of our workforce. Then what?

UPS will be fined $14.5k per violation.
In the hub, it's probably more like 50%.

The mandate simply isn't going to hold.

UPS isn't gonna pay for it or organize it. Hourlies are way too dysfunctional to do it themselves every week. And many would refuse anyway. It will break the system.

The mandate isn't going to hold.


I'm a star
Testing is the next step in the fleecing of the working class through unfunded obligations, paid for by printed debt notes, driving inflation, and being paid for by future taxes. The first round of fleecing (predicated on the scamdemic) benefited Big Pharma, and all their stockholders in government. This round will be benefiting Gates and Soros, who own the company that makes the new tests. If the people had even a basic understanding of economics, this whole narrative would have been shut down before it started.