What did your center do for Christmas?


Well-Known Member
In LOCAL 542 they were off yesterday and will be off through New Years Day. All paid. All the volume is being allocated to centers of surrounding locals until they come back.
Oh and a DJ.


Oh yeah? Well they're a multi billion dollar company, and every other multi billion dollar company (and most other companys) throw a Christmas party with drinks and food.
All I wanted was a damn sub again....

Carol doesn't owe you :censored2:.

You WILL get blasted with volume on Tuesday and you will LOVE every second of it.

Pound me with that massive irreg even harder big brown daddy.


Never bought my own handtruck
Pizza Thursday night. Hoagies and Cheese Steaks yesterday. Tim Hortons coffee and assorted pastries this morning. Our shop steward makes sure they spend money on us.