Writting Grievance for doing things your not willing to do????


Well-Known Member
why you getting so defensive? i dont get a kick out of nothing you just said or what i said. Its a job that i expect to be done. come in and come out. im not asking more of you than the job requirements. yea 10yrs from now IF i decide to still be a p/t Which unfortunately for you i wont but by that time you''ll def see the potential i have in making lazy employees life's miserable. UPS is not a lounge. where you can chit chat and waste time which at that makes internal customers packages a potential service failure due to lack of work. So remember its because of customers me and you have a job to begin with. And what makes you think you''ll be doing me a favor if you did your job or not? I do my job regardless and so should you. As matterfact its embarrassing HAVING someone alot younger then you telling you what your job is. What a shame having 15+ yrs in the company and acting like you dont know what the job is. and well.. if you find my posts annoying then i think you should start reading other post. Because quite frankly im getting annoyed by your replies.

get your degree and ten years from now you won't be part time.... Understand???


Well-Known Member
BS, it's pretty sad when you have to-1 pretene Pretened to be a steward... I am glad you love guys like me.. I just thought you loved guys... 10 years and your still part time?? No ambition? Can't drive a stick? What's the problem?
Socks he is right again,You should use the spell check no way you have I.Q at all, may be go up stairs and ask your mom how to spell it for you next time

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Just shut up, and don't get caught up in this BC bullcrap, because all these tough guys on here answer to a high school student at work....

So you really are a part time sup? I had my suspicions before due to your inability to give straight answers to anyone on here, (including me), but I think most of us can see you for who you really are.


Well-Known Member
And at 3 and a half hrs he is still making more than you.

No you got him beat buddy... Obviously one day you will be making a nice salary. While your part time don't let the employees make more than you. A 3.5 day keeps everyone making less than you, so focus on 3.5 and out... Everyday......


Well-Known Member
No you got him beat buddy... Obviously one day you will be making a nice salary. While your part time don't let the employees make more than you. A 3.5 day keeps everyone making less than you, so focus on 3.5 and out... Everyday......
Listen I'am not part time I'am full time I already make more than him.


New Member
OK, hourly employees are required to notify you when they leave their work area. If you have people disappearing, keep track of the times they leave if its a regular thing and get security involved. Sounds like stealing time to me. You need to hold them accountable or they will walk all over you. And STOP WORKING, that's not your job.


Well-Known Member
OK, hourly employees are required to notify you when they leave their work area. If you have people disappearing, keep track of the times they leave if its a regular thing and get security involved. Sounds like stealing time to me. You need to hold them accountable or they will walk all over you. And STOP WORKING, that's not your job.
when they leave do they have to yell out "bathroom break boss"like in prison,"waterbreak boss"!


Well-Known Member
...it was a good post. Polo is a newcomer here but I have read all four of his posts and have been impressed. I wish I could say the same about yours.

you sure do seem to be overly sympathitic to managment,i mean you should try to see both sides of the coin but whos side are you on.


Well-Known Member
OK, hourly employees are required to notify you when they leave their work area. If you have people disappearing, keep track of the times they leave if its a regular thing and get security involved. Sounds like stealing time to me. You need to hold them accountable or they will walk all over you. And STOP WORKING, that's not your job.

No, hourly employees are not required to notify supervisor for bathroom/water breaks. I don't know where you got a crazy idea like that. Many times supervisors are not close at hand and if you need to go you need to go same for water.

Also stealing time means falsifying your time card.