You know it is a shame, you can basically tell who are all full-time hourlies in this thread and who is not. And this is where I am gonna get the flack, but I do not care bring it. It is full-time hourlies like the ones in this thread bragging about how they do nothing and still get paid $$$, that gives unions a bigger blemish then what it already has. And we wonder why the Big 3 so-called American Automakers had to get Federal bailouts and basically 2/3 of the "American" vehicles are actually produced elsewhere, and the ones that are produce here are contains 90% materials and parts assembled out of the country. I hate to break it to you, but my Tundra Double Cab and Corolla S is more American than your Fusion, Impala, and Cadillac CTS w/its Peogout transmission. Next time you drive your Ford or Chevy hybrid you can thank Toyota for leasing the tech, parts and the system to them.
Jace there is no point getting into a pissing match to see who is bigger, if they fail to comply with instructions simply put it in their PTRS, notify your FT Lead, if you see it continues bring the shop steward into it.
You made the jump from hourly to management for a reason you felt was best for you, your in school, have a brand-spanking new daughter (congrats) and the money is not cutting it, so it is either find another job that pays better, but sucks in benefits, work to jobs while going to school and caring for your daughter or make jump to management.
One thing I have learned and this goes for UPS as well as outside, your are gonna get jackasses and jerks that you are either gonna be in charge of, work beside, or work above you, you are not gonna earn their respect if you are not giving it. At the same time there are those who could care less and giving a flying cluck. But to get your guys to work for you, especially in UPS you have to but your foot down, but at the same time treat them respectfully, even if they do not deserve it. Somebody said earlier to bring that trouble person back into the fold, honestly, that has been some of the best advice I have seen in all 11 pages. And just remember no matter if you work 2hours or the full 5 1/2 you still get bad for 5 1/2. So while you got the leeches of society just leeching off of UPS and the union remember you have a beautiful daughter and degree waiting for you.
To all the peacocks that have posted in this thread how I will eat you alive and I am making more than you, it is a shame and you should be ashamed of yourselves, who cares how much you make, the guy came on here to vent a little anger frustration and seek advice, but then again you are the same good for nothing people that want everything for nothing and that is why you guys stuck with UPS because you found most of the time your sup probably cares less for the company than you and was just collecting paycheck just like you. You guys are bored and pathetic because you have nothing better to do than harass people. They took this job because it involved very little skill and you knew you could not make it anywhere else.
For those that say "oh the union does not recognize production" I hate to break it to you, it may or may not be in the contract, but you agreed to the terms and conditions that you will work to the UPS standard of rate for whatever area you was assigned, for Sorters on the sort aisle and the unloaders feeding them the flow its 1200pph. And yes you can get fired for not meeting that if the sup does it right. There is a lot of stuff that just because "it is not in the contract" that you agreed to when you took the job you did with UPS
As long as both management and hourlies work like this nothing will ever get accomplished. Neither side is completely right and until we can get over ourselves it wont get right. In my hub we have non-sanctioned BBQs on UPS property with management and hourlies side-by-side hanging out. This is the UPS that I knew and admired, where we are a family. Whatever happened to that UPS?