You calling off Friday?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
No that is incorrect
I have the answer to that question
You have to pick the survivorship options when you retire but if the unfortunate event she should pre-dece me
I would have to send in a desertificate in my full pension would be restored

Only so many other people on here that don't know what they're going to do when they retire I have all the questions answered.
Not that way in my plan. One pick is all you get. Better be sure before you do.


Blind every day
Only reason I’m going is because I have a 8 hour. Will be nice to watch the whole operation burning down while I hit 8 and skate! Byeeeeee lol


Retired 23 years
Yes I have my friend that's an option you want to look at many years ago

Unless you're wrong in super good shape with A1 rating on life insurance, it's very expensive

Either by time it's raisable for 10 or 20 years what happens if you die at 20 years in one day?

@joeboodog parents is a very good example of that
If I got working a little bit longer to make my pension better I will do it but I am not going to leave my wife without any money
That’s nice of you to think about your wife and her next husband. 😀