You calling off Friday?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yes you were stuck with what you pick but if your spouse predeases you then they no longer deducting for the survivorship.
At least that's the way it works in my plan
I'm not quite sure what you mean? Only thing that would change for me is the deduction for medical.
I'm not quite sure what you mean? Only thing that would change for me is the deduction for medical.
You need to pick a survivorship option

You can't change it once you're retired
But if your plan is like mine if your spouse does pass away before you they will no longer discount your pension. You will get the full amount without the survivorship


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
You need to pick a survivorship option

You can't change it once you're retired
But if your plan is like mine if your spouse does pass away before you they will no longer discount your pension. You will get the full amount without the survivorship
So you revert to single annuity? That's a no brainer option to have. We do not have that.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Like I said every plan is so different
We have four options to ten year certain
50% survivorship

75% survivorship

100% survivorship
Our plan seem to be the same, only difference is you are locked in to original selection made.

Really a no brainer if the plan reverts to the single only annunity. Makes planning simpler.


Blind every day
If I had a dime for every time they screwed me on a 8 hr request.
In the central we can bring the package car back after 8 hours if we have been in contact all day about it and have let them know.
Only seen it happen once. I’ve had to threaten it multiple times.