You calling off Friday?


Well-Known Member
You need to do that when you're younger and plan ahead because when you get older some of the life insurance quotes that I got are very expensive.
I have a $$800,000 30 year term policy That I got 26 years ago, I only pay $357 a year, I would imagine if if I try to get life insurance like that in 4 more years, they will laugh at me.😂


Pineapple King
In the central we can bring the package car back after 8 hours if we have been in contact all day about it and have let them know.
Only seen it happen once. I’ve had to threaten it multiple times.
If I remember we didn't have that option, just told finish and file. What pissed me off most was the guy who was supposed to come take the work from me so I could have my 8 was gone long before I got back.


Pineapple King
Might be better to buy a hefty life insurance policy, but that's not cheap either. Weight the options I guess.
When I retired the survivorship and life insurance was about the same in cost, but the life insurance was only good for 20 years so if I outlived that the policy was no good and try and get one when I was 75+ wasn't going to happen so we went with the cut in pension so the wife gets something if I die first. Of course mine is also like @IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U if the wife dies first it reverts back to my full pension.
When I retired the survivorship and life insurance was about the same in cost, but the life insurance was only good for 20 years so if I outlived that the policy was no good and try and get one when I was 75+ wasn't going to happen so we went with the cut in pension so the wife gets something if I die first. Of course mine is also like @IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U if the wife dies first it reverts back to my full pension.
It's .or anl easy decision now
Except for a few cowards at work until survivorship options I have no respect for those people at all


Work now, Grieve later.
Mimosa? Bloody Mary?

No no. I got it, white Russian with your Ensure...