You calling off Friday?


Work now, Grieve later.
Sometimes I get up early if they need help with EAM’s at 6am, I’m pretty much a zombie by 5 PM.
Easy money by getting up that early sucks. and they get up earlier.
That sucks dude. They're basically vampires lol. I started out on the night sort and used to double shift on preload. It was nice drinking coffee and seeing the sun come up but now I couldn't do it.


Work now, Grieve later.
Sometimes I get up early if they need help with EAM’s at 6am, I’m pretty much a zombie by 5 PM.
Easy money by getting up that early sucks. and they get up earlier.
That sucks dude. They're basically vampires lol. I started out on the night sort and used to double shift on preload. It was nice drinking coffee and seeing the sun come up but now I couldn't do it.
Cheers to the easy cash and the preloaders putting in those hours. ✊🍻🍺🇱🇷🇺🇲


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Some retired drivers take the full pension amount and Increase/get a 2 million life insurance policy. Incase they die early the beneficiary gets a huge check
You most likely do not need that much. A scenario like that seems to be someone retiring with young dependents, much younger spouse.

You are only replacing the survivorship benefits vs life expectancy. Some plans have guaranteed single annuity payouts for a predefined number of years, that lowers the necessary funding. Other funds like 401k investments are also a factor.


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