

Yes, I know I'm working late.
Some of you need to Google wage theft. This was settled years ago if you will look it up. Do not code out bathroom breaks as lunch. Our understanding in my local is, if all you are doing is going to the restroom, don't code it out. If you buy a soda on the way out, you best code it out. I know it's silly as hell with how this company wastes money on some things, but some management have nothing better to do with their life than try to feel important.


Big Kahuna Burger
Step 1: Jump on that 9.5 list asap
Step 2: Exlax
Step 3: (literally) sit back, relax and collect those $$$ while your stop count drops like your deuce
People don’t get it. I’ve only been driving 3 years and today I got put on a route that I know it had 30 less stops than what the regular driver does. And they’ve been driving for at least 10+ years. They usually get done at 3, tonight I got done at 6. Supervisor gave me sh** for not being done at 3. I just rolled me eyes. Slow down and take your damn lunch.


All Trash No Trailer
Your an old school real man. Most people at this company now wouldnt do what you did nor even think it. They would clock out every piss.

Your an old school real man. Most people at this company now wouldnt do what you did nor even think it. They would clock out every piss.
Thanks,I had many great mentors back when I started.This company treats you as you allow yourself to be treated.


I remember being such a *ing * to management for about my first two years with the company. I would go out of my way to cause them as many head aches as possible and talk * to them in front of other drivers in their office. Tell them they don’t know how to do their job and they should quit(they told me this on a fairly regular basis, even the center manager had screamed at me one morning during an argument I should just quit.)

We have an old guy at our center who's like that. If management even gives him a sideways glance he has a shop steward within about 5 seconds standing next to him with a stack of grievances.

El Correcto

god is dead
We have an old guy at our center who's like that. If management even gives him a sideways glance he has a shop steward within about 5 seconds standing next to him with a stack of grievances.
It’s was some of the older bitter guys that coached me on articles and what to do. They would also :censored2: on management.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Next contract every package car will be equipped with a bathroom.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a bathroom close, drive to one. They can't do * to you.

Or you can be a disgusting pig...

The law says they can't fire you or penalize you for going to the bathroom, unless you do so excessively and it affects your performance as a result.

The Fair Labor Standards Act says employers must pay workers for breaks shorter than 20 minutes.

OSHA says employers can't enforce unreasonable restrictions on bathroom use.

Threatening to discipline you for going to the bathroom is a violation of state and federal labor laws.

The manager in this case is an idiot.
They can’t even fire you, if you break off excessively to use a restroom. We had a driver in our building who broke off 15-20 times per day to use the bathroom. They tried for years to fire him. Zero success.


Well-Known Member
Communicate, communicate, communicate.
I remember once when they were b1tching about something like this" unaccounted for xx minutes"
The Next day I took my time to communicate with the center, it was something like
"Going to the bathroom"
"Still in the bathroom"
"this may take longer"
"nvm I'm constipated"
like 45 minutes later
"Going to try to poo again will update"
"nothing coming out"
Eventually they told me not to bother anymore letting them know when i was going to use the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
Communicate, communicate, communicate.
I remember once when they were b1tching about something like this" unaccounted for xx minutes"
The Next day I took my time to communicate with the center, it was something like
"Going to the bathroom"
"Still in the bathroom"
"this may take longer"
"nvm I'm constipated"
like 45 minutes later
"Going to try to poo again will update"
"nothing coming out"
Eventually they told me not to bother anymore letting them know when i was going to use the bathroom.
This guy gets it. Anytime the inundate you with any nonsense, combat them with DIAD communication. Send them 100 messages a day.