BLM means WHAT ????


Well-Known Member
Those animals have two purposes in life, to make products from them, and to produce more of them. Generally it's my understanding they're about two before heading to the feedlot. And no, calves aren't taken away from their mothers unless an operation is in business to produce veal. Beef, it's what's for dinner!
they take them away when producing milk.

i think animals shouldnt be raised to be slaughtered or tortured. this includes fashion, food, probably zoos. otherwise were no better than the minorites who bash raccoons heads in with a baseball bat.

The big package

Well-Known Member
yea btw how do you expect former criminals to not commit crimes if they cant get a job???
That's not really a business owner's problem now is it ! If I'm running a company or own a business I am not hiring somebody who's got a criminal record ,assault , arson , theft , grand larceny etc !!!!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
If that's what they're capable of doing to a raccoon, what can they do to your pet? Or you or me? Or anyone who doesn't go along with their ideology? All I can say is if that were my cat, they'd all be gutted.
If that were your cat, I'd take up a collection to get you some eyeglasses.

The big package

Well-Known Member
arent you discriminating against a persons basic needs?
You are responsible for the choices that you make and you have to be willing to accept the consequences . I would never allow my kids to go out and destroy private property or hurt people or steal things because it is wrong and if you do that you have to accept what comes along with it !!!


Well-Known Member
You are responsible for the choices that you make and you have to be willing to accept the consequences . I would never allow my kids to go out and destroy private property or hurt people or steal things because it is wrong and if you do that you have to accept what comes along with it !!!
would you let your kids sign up for the military?

the punishment we give for the choices people make is arbitrary.

im all in favor of people being responsible for the choices they make; its called democracy.


Well-Known Member
they take them away when producing milk.

i think animals shouldnt be raised to be slaughtered or tortured. this includes fashion, food, probably zoos. otherwise were no better than the minorites who bash raccoons heads in with a baseball bat.
OK, on a dairy farm. Not on a beef ranch.


Well-Known Member
OK, on a dairy farm. Not on a beef ranch.
even on a beef ranch, if they treated dogs the way they treat the cows, ppl would probably have a problem with it. but actually if its not good enough for dogs, and not good enough for humans, then why is it good enough for cow?

i understand some people think an american life is more precious than an iranian life, or that a cow is more precious than a dog, but this is a slippery slope to things like racism.

The big package

Well-Known Member
UPS has a track record for hiring some felons:
From Indeed .com Below find 2 examples with 15 more listed

YES they do. Did 14 yrs. violent felony. Just got out. Still got hired. Shout outs to UPS for second chances.
Answered May 1, 2019

Yes they hire felons. Not all felons, but some. I'll reiterate what someone's already said about theft and violence being a bit if an issue, but it just depends on the situation. They'll want to know what happened, when it happened, and whether it's a recurring theme in your life. I'm a felon and they hired me as a seasonal package handler. I was up front about my past and actually brought it up at my first tour/interview. My felony was non-violent and not at all theft related, i didn't have anything else on my record, and it had been three years since i took the plea and four years since my offense. I was of course laid off two or three days into the new year, but i kept going in to work everyday just in case someone called or or they needed an extra body for some reason, just kept after it, and i finally officially got my job back after about four months. I've been with them for just about two years now and my past has never affected my job in any way. My advice to someone with some "stuff" in their past like me would be to apply, be forthcoming and honest, and then be persistent as bleep. Worked for me.
Well I doubt that's true . I've been there 28 years but if it is , that would explain why I have seen several people taken out in handcuffs over the last couple years

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Nothing to see here. Just rabid baboons doing what they do best and proving how much lives matter to them.

If that's what they're capable of doing to a raccoon, what can they do to your pet? Or you or me? Or anyone who doesn't go along with their ideology? All I can say is if that were my cat, they'd all be gutted.

Stand on your tiptoes so my jokes won't sail over your head.