Brown Cafe Cruise!!!


Here we go!




I'm a retired UPSer and I was very interested in this cruise. It could be a good way to get a nice group discount. If there are already 8 cabins booked there should be an additional $150 off per cabin passed along because of the group rate. If Steve takes a free cabin, no one gets a discount.

I'm disappointed.


I'm a retired UPSer and I was very interested in this cruise. It could be a good way to get a nice group discount. If there are already 8 cabins booked there should be an additional $150 off per cabin passed along because of the group rate. If Steve takes a free cabin, no one gets a discount.

I'm disappointed.

That's not necessarily so. Kinda of funny how the naysayers are popping up out of the woodwork. No biggie, though. The cruise as is is discounted very well, for the group. The "free" cabin that you're talking about, is actually only minus the cruise fare. The person would actually have to pay the taxes, port fees, etc... The same goes for if no one takes the "free" cabin. The cruise fare would be split amongst the group. This would only be a minute reduction, in an already great price.

So there's no real need to be disappointed. If you really want to go, browncow, I say call Amy, and get all of the particulars.


Steve, I have set up group cruises before. I know that you as the organizer gets to designate how the credit for the number of cabins purchased is allocated and you have chosen to take it for yourself. Taxes on that cruises are 153.36 per person. The least expensive fare you are offering is $605. If you subtract out the taxes that makes the fare portion of that price $450 pp. All cabins charge at least 2 fares so by taking a free cabin you are taking a miniumum of $900 credit. When I set up the group cruise we divided up the free cabin credits so that everyone benefitted, not just me.


Steve, I have set up group cruises before. I know that you as the organizer gets to designate how the credit for the number of cabins purchased is allocated and you have chosen to take it for yourself. Taxes on that cruises are 153.36 per person. The least expensive fare you are offering is $605. If you subtract out the taxes that makes the fare portion of that price $450 pp. All cabins charge at least 2 fares so by taking a free cabin you are taking a miniumum of $900 credit. When I set up the group cruise we divided up the free cabin credits so that everyone benefitted, not just me.

Well good for you. I've never set up a cruise, or been on one for that matter. I think I've done a heckuva job, so far. I spoke to our travel agent, who says the taxes you quoted are incorrect. You may want to look things over, as you may have left something out.

What I actually said about the "free" cabin, is that fellow cruisers think that I should get the "free" cabin. I said I felt weird about that, if you read my post. Still not sure that I would do this. I would suggest that you contact Amy, as far as the taxes. port charges, etc... I'm a novice, as I said before, but the majority of people seem to be satisfied with the job I've done so far. I may not be right, but it sounds as though you're complaining about this setup.

You've been a member since 2002, and this is your 2nd post, and both of them have sounded like complaints. I don't get it. What exactly would you like me to do here? I'm just trying to get us out on the water, and everything seems fine from where I stand.


Steve, I have set up group cruises before. I know that you as the organizer gets to designate how the credit for the number of cabins purchased is allocated and you have chosen to take it for yourself. Taxes on that cruises are 153.36 per person. The least expensive fare you are offering is $605. If you subtract out the taxes that makes the fare portion of that price $450 pp. All cabins charge at least 2 fares so by taking a free cabin you are taking a miniumum of $900 credit. When I set up the group cruise we divided up the free cabin credits so that everyone benefitted, not just me.
Why are you bagging on Steve about this. I haven't even seen a post from you about this until just yesterday or today. This thread has been going for quite awhile now.


Why are you bagging on Steve about this. I haven't even seen a post from you about this until just yesterday or today. This thread has been going for quite awhile now.

Ditto, I feel like I'm being bagged on. Maybe it's not so, but it feels that way. We didn't just jump into this mind you. We made several threads seeking input. Where were you then? We polled, had fun, laughed and made a decision, and so here we are.

I posted all of the information, for all to see, so that all who want in on the cruise can climb aboard. That being said, what else is there. If you want in, come on, have some fun. If not, that's okay too. Just stop acting like a "minion", you're giving me the creeps.:happy2:


respect my authority
Ditto, I feel like I'm being bagged on. Maybe it's not so, but it feels that way. We didn't just jump into this mind you. We made several threads seeking input. Where were you then? We polled, had fun, laughed and made a decision, and so here we are.

I posted all of the information, for all to see, so that all who want in on the cruise can climb aboard. That being said, what else is there. If you want in, come on, have some fun. If not, that's okay too. Just stop acting like a "minion", you're giving me the creeps.:happy2:

I think the post was a bit paronoid jmo guy went off and stugged him in the gut dont let it take away from the work you put into this


respect my authority
Ditto, I feel like I'm being bagged on. Maybe it's not so, but it feels that way. We didn't just jump into this mind you. We made several threads seeking input. Where were you then? We polled, had fun, laughed and made a decision, and so here we are.

I posted all of the information, for all to see, so that all who want in on the cruise can climb aboard. That being said, what else is there. If you want in, come on, have some fun. If not, that's okay too. Just stop acting like a "minion", you're giving me the creeps.:happy2:

mayby we can all fit in the "free Room":funny:


Well-Known Member
Steve, I have set up group cruises before. I know that you as the organizer gets to designate how the credit for the number of cabins purchased is allocated and you have chosen to take it for yourself. Taxes on that cruises are 153.36 per person. The least expensive fare you are offering is $605. If you subtract out the taxes that makes the fare portion of that price $450 pp. All cabins charge at least 2 fares so by taking a free cabin you are taking a miniumum of $900 credit. When I set up the group cruise we divided up the free cabin credits so that everyone benefitted, not just me.

It appears to me that you are trying to say something here, but you're beating around the bush rather than coming out and saying it.

Are you trying to imply that steve's doing something underhanded?

...or, are you saying that if steve doesn't take the free cabin, then everyone in the group should be getting a discount?

... or, are you trying to say something else?

If you've got something to say, then just say it, because everyone seems to be confused about your comments.


respect my authority
Oh that was such a BAAAAAAAAAAD thing to say! :surprised:

I know but i was kidding

i don't think steve is cheating any one he has been telling all to call amy or e-mail amy i think he is not pulling a fast one and that is the impression i get from the original poster i think he feels that way


I just read my previous post and reliezed that I made a mistake. Taxes weren't 153 per person, it is 153 per cabin. That doesn't include port charges but they can be much more than the extra 153 I previously gave you credit for. When I read that there was going to be a group cruise I expected better prices. I haven't kept up on polls about this cruise so I'm not sure why it was voted that Steve gets to go for free. There are so many people talking here it is hard to keep up. If that's what this group wanted to do instead of equally distributing the money from the cabin credits then so be it.


I know but i was kidding

i don't think steve is cheating any one he has been telling all to call amy or e-mail amy i think he is not pulling a fast one and that is the impression i get from the original poster i think he feels that way
I know you were joking but someone will pick that up and run with it. Something along the lines of..................with how many OOOOOPSY guess that was me that did it!:happy-very:

I agree with you, Steve is doing nothing wrong and Browncow can go stick his/her nose back in the tall grass where it belongs.


respect my authority
I know you were joking but someone will pick that up and run with it. Something along the lines of..................with how many OOOOOPSY guess that was me that did it!:happy-very:

I agree with you, Steve is doing nothing wrong and Browncow can go stick his/her nose back in the tall grass where it belongs.

I meant to put a smiley after i said i was kidding

I knew you would know that

I agree tall grass swampy marsh quicksand:funny:
I know my vote is only one, and I know a vote(as such)hasn't been asked for however I vote for Steve to take the free room. HE still has to pay the taxes and port charges.
For me the bottom line is that when this first came up, several people thought it was a good idea. Steve was the only one that took any action to make it real. Good job Steve.
Now having said all that....hehehe...since Steve is traveling without his family, his room can become the group's hang out. Steve keep your underwear off the floor.
Do we even have enough to get a free room? I've seen it posted that 8 have book, but that's people not rooms.
I just read my previous post and reliezed that I made a mistake. Taxes weren't 153 per person, it is 153 per cabin. That doesn't include port charges but they can be much more than the extra 153 I previously gave you credit for. When I read that there was going to be a group cruise I expected better prices. I haven't kept up on polls about this cruise so I'm not sure why it was voted that Steve gets to go for free. There are so many people talking here it is hard to keep up. If that's what this group wanted to do instead of equally distributing the money from the cabin credits then so be it.
Please don't take this wrong, but I have a question.
Are you planning on joining us on this cruise?