Brown Cafe Cruise!!!


Tony, Helen and Trpl, Thank you so much. To everyone your words and support are a great comfort. It was such a shock to everyone. She was very outgoing and loved to make new friends. I have known them most of my life (30+ yrs). She was one of my teachers in jr high and I babysat their daughters. We both have the same first name.:crying:


golden ticket member

That news was a real shocker. I sure hope you celebrate her life.....she sounds like she was a blast to be with.


That's on the other side of the boat, but we can see each other's door from our own. The view off the inside walk way of the atrium is really nice. I'll see if I can find a pic to post here.
Hey Steve, has Amy said if she and her DH were going to join us?

I'll ask her today. He's the next person under me in seniority. We worked pre-load together.


That's on the other side of the boat, but we can see each other's door from our own. The view off the inside walk way of the atrium is really nice. I'll see if I can find a pic to post here.
Hey Steve, has Amy said if she and her DH were going to join us?
I have tried to figure out DH, what is it?


Staff member
I started adding the number of guests on the "Whos' going?" list. (Dilli made me!).

So if anyone wants to add that info, PM me the number of people comin' with you!

Also, if you're going and not on the list, let us know!

Also, if you might come, let us know!

(I might even start a "I can't go, got stugged" list)