Fumbling McCain has brain cancer

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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And just like that, when a hero dies Trump turns around and disrespects him by refusing to fly the flag at half staff for the customary amount of time.
Pot, meet kettle.
The customary time is 2 days.
The day of the death and the day after.
Ike started that tradition.

Typical left wing snowflake spinning and lying.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Trump bashes himself every time he throws a childish tantrum on Twitter.
He bashes himself every time he puts the gratification of his shallow ego, and his need to be right and get the last word in an argument, ahead of fulfilling his responsibilities as a leader.
He bashes himself every time he fails to heed sound advice, or to take the time to educate himself on the most basic facts regarding policy or legislation.
His disagreements with McCain were but a symptom of a larger, underlying problem.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
completely untrue. its customary to lower the flag for a senator the day of and the day after. the flag went back up after the customary period.
do you guys really need a trump bash this bad that you're now making it up as you go?
Flags at half-staff: What are the guidelines?
From the belly of the fake news, ABC News:
  • United States senator, representative, territorial delegate, or the resident commissioner from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: On the day of death and the day after


Well-Known Member
Trump bashes himself every time he throws a childish tantrum on Twitter.
He bashes himself every time he puts the gratification of his shallow ego, and his need to be right and get the last word in an argument, ahead of fulfilling his responsibilities as a leader.
He bashes himself every time he fails to heed sound advice, or to take the time to educate himself on the most basic facts regarding policy or legislation.
His disagreements with McCain were but a symptom of a larger, underlying problem.

If all of this is true why are you liberals trying to use a dead senator to bash trump ? let trump bash himself. Let the dead senator rest in peace.

the level of which you liberals are going to use McCain for your own political purposes is disgusting and violates the argument you pretend to make for him.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
If all of this is true why are you liberals trying to use a dead senator to bash trump ? let trump bash himself. Let the dead senator rest in peace.

the level of which you liberals are going to use McCain for your own political purposes is disgusting and violates the argument you pretend to make for him.
Honestly, no one on here really cares anything about McCain except maybe @Jones


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If all of this is true why are you liberals trying to use a dead senator to bash trump ? let trump bash himself. Let the dead senator rest in peace.

the level of which you liberals are going to use McCain for your own political purposes is disgusting and violates the argument you pretend to make for him.
I very nearly voted for McCain in 2008.
I respected the man even if I did not agree with him politically.
And I am not “using” him for anything...just pointing out the marked contrasts between a man who honorably served his nation in both war and peacetime versus a man whose behavior brings shame upon our nation, who dishonors the highest office in the land, and who is utterly devoid of any selflessness, decency or integrity.


Well-Known Member
I very nearly voted for McCain in 2008.
I respected the man even if I did not agree with him politically.
And I am not “using” him for anything...just pointing out the marked contrasts between a man who honorably served his nation in both war and peacetime versus a man whose behavior brings shame upon our nation, who dishonors the highest office in the land, and who is utterly devoid of any selflessness, decency or integrity.
For the last time, Obama is gone, Trump is president, and things are better.


Well-Known Member
I very nearly voted for McCain in 2008.
I respected the man even if I did not agree with him politically.
And I am not “using” him for anything...just pointing out the marked contrasts between a man who honorably served his nation in both war and peacetime versus a man whose behavior brings shame upon our nation, who dishonors the highest office in the land, and who is utterly devoid of any selflessness, decency or integrity.
With McCain's long line of praised service and military heroism you chose to vote for the clown that spent almost 2 years in the Senate and distinguished himself in his prior life, How?
BS, your protestations fall on deaf ears. You're a fertilizer salesman buddy, and I ain't buying it.


Well-Known Member
If they are better, why does the president insist on acting like an ass? Is he really that fragile?
He acted like an ass during the nomination process. This is news? Not a valid reason to impeach someone, which so many are calling for.


Well-Known Member
If they are better, why does the president insist on acting like an ass? Is he really that fragile?
The man is punching back. He hasn't had one minute of peace since the inauguration. He's an ass to you, but fighter to us who support him. Live with it.


Well-Known Member
He’s been acting like an ass for decades.

It’s obvious that Trump is deeply insecure.
Can you imagine someone not being insecure when clawing your way up through the industries he was involved in? Amazingly though he does use some business sense when doing things like renegotiating our trade deals. He's certainly not perfect, but he's trying to put the U.S. in a better position economically for it's citizens. Not that you'll ever give him credit for it.


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine someone not being insecure when clawing your way up through the industries he was involved in? Amazingly though he does use some business sense when doing things like renegotiating our trade deals. He's certainly not perfect, but he's trying to put the U.S. in a better position economically for it's citizens. Not that you'll ever give him credit for it.

I don’t agree that his policies will put the US in a better position economically long term, so no, no credit from me.
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