Fumbling McCain has brain cancer

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Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm sure you are a pro. Appreciate to compliment what, a nice tight short skirt with four inch pumps. Don't forget to shave the mug, five o:clock shadow went out with the Cuban boat lift.
Four inches ? Oh please gurl that's rookie stuff.
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Well-Known Member
he wasnt the only one. I often wondered if they realized they were being used like circus acts.
He didn't, he was the bigger 'bi- partisan' senator leading by example, and they laughed at him as a buffon. I await for the call for civility, and working in a bi-partisan manner to honor McCain. Just my thought. Wait till rough times come with legislation, the memory of McCain will be invoked to come together and find common ground, all on the democrat's terms. A cancer has been cancelled by cancer. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Don't feel like your alone.
I take pride in it.

Probably not, my favorite rat, it's really just fun poking ribs. When the ribs are poked rightly then the pride comes. That's just speaking for myself. I actually am a very harmless nice guy, but I still have way too much 8 year old, friend with you fun. I'm too close to dying to grow up now.
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