Fumbling McCain has brain cancer

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Well-Known Member
He served his country, got shot down, and spent 5 years getting tortured in the Hanoi Hilton while Trump stayed at home and played tennis on a draft deferment for bone spurs.
I have no problem with someone who gets a deferment or chooses not to join the military, but I do have a problem when they denigrate the service of a hero.

trumps done more good for us in a year and a half then McCain did in 81 years.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
share a foxhole with you.

Brings back Obummer days.
Our military didn't know whether to :censored2: or go blind, shoot or surrender. Identity was lost.
Say what you want about the Trumpster but there is a totally different attitude in the Armed Forces now the he is chief .


Well-Known Member
I appreciate to compliment but I like to keep things professional here.
Oh, I'm sure you are a pro. Appreciate to compliment what, a nice tight short skirt with four inch pumps. Don't forget to shave the mug, five o:clock shadow went out with the Cuban boat lift.
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